Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Quake: Lyttelton: Food tent set up in Lyttelton Civil Defence centre".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "View down Norwich Quay showing damaged heritage buildings".
A view across London Street in Lyttelton to the Empire Hotel and the Lyttelton Bakery. The buildings have been cordoned off by a safety fence and the facade of the Empire Hotel has been braced with steel beams.
The port of Lyttelton viewed from Norwich Quay.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Quake: Lyttelton: Lyle Phillips cooking for Anne Willliams at Lyttelton Civil Defence".
An aerial view of Lyttelton. An Army truck can be seen on the streets of Lyttelton.
An aerial view of Lyttelton. An Army truck can be seen on the streets of Lyttelton.
A sign at the Lyttelton Petanque Club, reading, "Lyttelton Petanque Club, est. 2011, Lyttel Gap Filler".
A photograph of the former site of the Lyttelton Historical Museum on Norwich Quay in Lyttelton.
The HMNZS Otago moored in Lyttelton. The ship travelled to Lyttelton after the 22 February 2011 earthquake to help in the relief effort.
An image from a Navy Today April 2011 article titled, "Cordon Patrols in Lyttelton". The image is of Canterbury sailors at work removing fallen bricks from between buildings in Lyttelton.
The HMNZS Otago moored in Lyttelton. The ship travelled to Lyttelton after the 22 February 2011 earthquake to help in the relief effort.
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 20 showing the demolitions on
London Street following the February 22 earthquake.
File reference: CCL-2011-04-20-Lyttelton-Demolitions-P1120095
From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
A collage of Lyttelton organised by the Lyttelton TimeBank in front of the Library. The public were asked to make a collage depicting the earthquake and their experiences in Lyttelton.
A collage of Lyttelton organised by the Lyttelton TimeBank in front of the Library. The public were asked to make a collage depicting the earthquake and their experiences in Lyttelton.
A collage of Lyttelton organised by the Lyttelton TimeBank in front of the Library. The public were asked to make a collage depicting the earthquake and their experiences in Lyttelton.
Members of the Lyttelton community sanding crates for seating at the Lyttelton Petanque Working Bee, a Gap Filler project to create a garden and petanque court in an empty site in Lyttelton.
PO Frankham on board the HMNZS Otago in Lyttelton. The ship travelled to Lyttelton after the 22 February 2011 earthquake to help in the relief effort.
PO Frankham on board the HMNZS Otago in Lyttelton. The ship travelled to Lyttelton after the 22 February 2011 earthquake to help in the relief effort.
Jules Lee, Coordinator of the Lyttelton Time Bank, talking to a member of the New Zealand Navy on London Street in Lyttelton.
Damage to the Lyttelton port with the HMNZS Canterbury in the background. The ship just arrived in Lyttelton after a trip to Wellington to resupply.
An image from a Navy Today April 2011 article titled, "Cordon Patrols in Lyttelton". The image is of a member of the New Zealand Navy manning a cordon on London Street in Lyttelton.
A photograph of bricks stacked to spell out the word 'Lyttelton'. Behind the letters, plant pots have been laid out to form a temporary garden.
Jules Lee, Coordinator of the Lyttelton Time Bank, talking to a member of the New Zealand Navy on London Street in Lyttelton.
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 16 at the official re-opening ceremony following the February 22 earthquake. Cake was served, and Greg Malcolm entertained.
File reference: CCL-2011-04-16-Lyttelton-Library-re-opening-P1120007
From the collection of Christchurch City Lib...
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 16 at the official re-opening ceremony following the February 22 earthquake. Cake was served, and Greg Malcolm entertained.
File reference: CCL-2011-04-16-Lyttelton-Library-re-opening-P1120003
From the collection of Christchurch City Lib...
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 16 at the official re-opening ceremony following the February 22 earthquake. Cake was served, and Greg Malcolm entertained.
File reference: CCL-2011-04-16-Lyttelton-Library-re-opening-P1110835
From the collection of Christchurch City Lib...
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 16 at the official re-opening ceremony following the February 22 earthquake. Cake was served, and Greg Malcolm entertained..
File reference: CCL-2011-04-16-Lyttelton-Library-re-opening-IMG_0173
From the collection of Christchurch City Li...
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 16 at the official re-opening ceremony following the February 22 earthquake. Cake was served, and Greg Malcolm entertained.
File reference: CCL-2011-04-16-Lyttelton-Library-re-opening-P1110999
From the collection of Christchurch City Lib...
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 16 at the official re-opening ceremony following the February 22 earthquake. Cake was served, and Greg Malcolm entertained.
File reference: CCL-2011-04-16-Lyttelton-Library-re-opening-P1120008
From the collection of Christchurch City Lib...