A photograph of a hole in a bank next to a motorway in Christchurch.
A photograph of a crack running along a bank next to a motorway in Christchurch.
A photograph of workers in a crane-raise platform removing bricks from the earthquake-damaged Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road.
A photograph of a crack in a bank next to a motorway in Christchurch. A tape measure in the crack indicates that it is four feet deep.
A photograph of a crack in a bank next to a motorway in Christchurch. A tape measure in the crack indicates that it is over five feet deep.
A photograph of a pile of liquefaction next to a motorway in Christchurch.
A photograph of a crack in a bank next to a motorway in Christchurch. A tape measure in the crack indicates that it is four feet deep.
A photograph of a crack in a bank next to a motorway in Christchurch. A tape measure in the crack indicates that it is four feet deep.
A photograph of a pile of liquefaction with animal prints running through it.
A photograph of a pile of liquefaction next to a motorway in Christchurch.
A photograph of a crack in a bank next to a motorway in Christchurch.
A photograph of a van from the Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church. The van has been crushed by fallen bricks.
A photograph of a collapsed brick wall resting against a tree.
A photograph of a section of road on the Greendale Fault line with large cracks caused by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A photograph of a car parked in a driveway. The car has been crushed by a collapsed brick wall.
A photograph of the Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road. The top of the tower's walls have crumbled, the bricks falling onto the pavement below.
A photograph of a collapsed brick chimney.
A photograph of the Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road. The bricks have crumbled from the gable, exposing the wooden structure underneath and crushing a van.
A photograph of liquefaction in a garden in Kaiapoi.
A photograph of large cracks in a footpath near the Kaiapoi River.
A photograph of liquefaction in a garden in Kaiapoi.
A photograph of liquefaction in a garden in Kaiapoi.
A photograph of a large crack along the edge of a footpath near the Kaiapoi River. The ground has slumped, taking the fence posts with it.
A photograph of a large crack along the edge of a footpath near the Kaiapoi River. The ground has slumped, taking the fence posts with it.
A photograph of a large crack along the edge of a footpath near the Kaiapoi River. The ground has slumped, taking the fence posts with it.
A photograph of liquefaction in a garden in Kaiapoi.
A photograph of large cracks in a footpath near the Kaiapoi River.
A photograph of a worker from Dave McMillan Glass Ltd removing a broken pane of glass from a building at the University of Canterbury.
A photograph of large cracks in a road near the Kaiapoi River.
A photograph of cracks across a road in Canterbury caused by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.