A photograph of the house at 432 Oxford Terrace. Much of the garden has overgrown. A yellow sticker on the front door indicates that access is restricted.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Natalie Thomas' Birchfield Ave home looks unaffected by the earthquake but uneven floors, doors and cracks in the surrounding earth tell another tale".
The entrance to Gap Filler's temporary cinema 'The Night Club', with doors created by lights, a light sculpture and a screen where 'Play Time' is being projected.
A photograph submitted by Tim Kerr to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Here’s me working in Selwyn St just a couple of doors away from home. (Photo M D Kerr)".
A photograph of a collapsed ceiling in the Hotel Grand Chancellor. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A view through the door of an inaccessible room".
A photograph of a collapsed ceiling in the Hotel Grand Chancellor. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A view through the door of an inaccessible room".
Damage to a residential building near Bealey Avenue. The brick frontage has completely collapsed exposing the interior, and the roof is supported by jacks. A red sticker has been placed on the door.
A photograph of a woman digging in the garden of a property with a damaged side fence. In the background, the house next door has its side wall missing.
Detail of the artwork 'Tony De In The Door (Government Life Building Studio Series' by Mike Hewson. These were installed on damaged buildings, this one being a building opposite the Cranmer Courts.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a house in Christchurch. Bricks from the demolished house next door still lie on the roof and against the side wall.
A photograph of a woman digging in the garden of a property with a damaged side fence. In the background, the house next door has its side wall missing.
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The RSA (red roof and three skylights) and electrical substation (red front with the door open) very badly damaged by the rock falls".
A photograph of damaged cliff-side garages. Written on the door of one of the garages is, "Please ph. [number] before demo". The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Redcliffs and Sumner".
A photograph of a damaged cliff-side garage. Written on the door of the garage is, "Please ph. [number] before demo". The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Redcliffs and Sumner".
The entrance to the West Avon building on Montreal Street. The photographer comments, "This very wonderful Art Deco heritage building in Christchurch had residents living in it until another visit from the building engineers re-re-checking for earthquake damage. Now it is fenced off and on the list for possible demolition".
Part of Mike Hewson's installation 'Homage To Lost Spaces' in the Cramner Courts building, a photograph of a young man working at a desk has been inserted into a gap in the building. The photographer comments, "Cranmer Courts in Christchurch, New Zealand was very badly damaged in the earthquakes that have rocked the City for the past two years. Mike Hewson thought he would try to bring life back into the buildings by putting photographs into the spaces where the doors and windows were. There was a month or so when no one seemed to know or admit who had put the pictures up, but it was done officially. It seems that though very badly damaged the buildings may get restored".
An abandoned residential property at 14 Seabreeze Close in Bexley. The damaged garage door has been boarded up. The driveway is covered with weeds and silt from liquefaction.
A photograph of USAR codes spray-painted on the front door of the Kosco Asian Supermarket on Gloucester Street. Broken glass has scattered across the footpath in front.
A photograph of St Elmo Courts on the corner of Hereford and Montreal Streets. A red sticker on the door indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.
A photograph of the house at 9 Rees Street. The end of a Weet-Bix cereal box has been placed over the mail slot in the front door.
An abandoned residential property at 28 Seabreeze Close in Bexley. The garage door has been vandalised with graffiti. The property adjacent to the house has been cordoned off with security fencing.
A photograph of a 'yellow sticker' notice on the door of 132 Kilmore Street. The notice indicates restricted use. A handwritten sign next to it reads, "Due to the current situation this office is closed today".
A photograph of the lobby of a building on Gloucester Street. Large cracks can be seen along the inside wall and USAR codes have been spray painted on the glass doors.
A red-stickered house with cracks running down the brick wall. The house has also separated slightly from the foundations and is now on a lean. The brick wall on the house next door has partially crumbled.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "90 Armagh Street - this building and the Victoria Square Apartments next door (on the left) are leaning in opposite directions because of liquefaction".
A photograph of red-sticker placards on the garage door of a house on Avoca Valley Road. The stickers indicate that the building is no longer safe to enter.
A photograph of red-sticker placards on the garage door of a house on Avoca Valley Road. The stickers indicate that the building is no longer safe to enter.
A photograph of a house on Worcester Boulevard, now a pile of rubble after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Fire damage can be seen on the house next door.
A photograph of an advertising sign reading, "No chimney for Santa? Don't worry he will use the door! Merry Christmas". The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Causeway hoarding, post earthquake".
A green sticker and graffiti on the door of a wooden building on the corner of Peterborough Street and Montreal Street. The green sticker means that the building is safe to enter.