A sign outside a community showering facility set up at the Burwood Primary School. The sign reads, "Community Shower. Open 7am to 7pm".
A map showing the location of community facilities needing repairs.
Diggers working on an almost empty site after demolition of classrooms and other teaching facilities at Rangi Ruru Girls' High School.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Porta Showers set up in Burwood Primary School for the community".
Fences made from old metal bed heads enclosing the space of Gap Filler's "Film in the Gap" project in Beckenham. The audience are seated on folding chairs, garden swing seats and an antique bed as they watch Lyttelton band, Runaround Sue, perform. In the background, a yellow porta-loo provides sanitary facilities for the audience.