New PM of Australia Julia Gillard stands on top of a house of cards that looks extremely unstable. She says 'As newly elected PM of Australia I promise all cards on the table'. Below are the words 'NZ not the only shaky country..' Refers to the recent closely-contested and 'most-extraordinary Australian election in decades' which has been won by Labour's Julia Gillard. The negotiating for a new government by Julia Gillard against her Liberal rival Tony Abbott took 17 days, with Julia Gillard, in the end, able to cobble together a government with the support of independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott as well as the Greens plus a long list of promises. Critics see her coalition as dysfunctional. The text below refers to the Canterbury earthquake of 4th September 2010.
Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
Under the caption, young people carrying their baggage flutter into the air, away from Canterbury and toward 'Oz'.
In September GNS Earth Sciences reported that after the earthquakes, the Greendale and associated faults were still moving as they settled into a new configuration. At the same time the young were leaving Canterbury (and New Zealand) for a better future in Australia. The population of New Zealand was moving into a new configuration.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A table giving figures for migration between South Canterbury and Australia.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd addresses staff and students in the Big Top.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd addresses staff and students in the Big Top.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd addresses staff and students in the Big Top.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd addresses staff and students in the Big Top.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd addresses staff and students in the Big Top.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd addresses staff and students in the Big Top.
Members of the Australian Urban Search and Rescue team walking down a street in Christchurch.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A big Australian sucker truck in Newport Street".
A member of the South Australian Urban Search and Rescue team working in Christchurch central city.
Members of the South Australian Urban Search and Rescue team digging through rubble in the central city.
Members of the South Australian Urban Search and Rescue team digging through rubble in the central city.
A member of the South Australian Urban Search and Rescue team digging through rubble in the central city.
Members of the South Australian Urban Search and Rescue team digging through rubble in the central city.
A chart comparing rates of migration to Australia in Canterbury with other New Zealand regions.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd meeting staff during his visit to Campus during the progressive restart.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd meeting staff during his visit to Campus during the progressive restart.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd photographer with students during his visit to Campus during the progressive restart.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd photographed with student during his visit to Campus during the progressive restart.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd photographed with student during his visit to Campus during the progressive restart.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd photographer with students during his visit to Campus during the progressive restart.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd photographed with student during his visit to Campus during the progressive restart.
A member of the South Australian Urban Search and Rescue team working in Christchurch central city. In the background, a digger is clearing rubble.
A member of the South Australian Urban Search and Rescue team working in Christchurch central city. In the background, a digger is clearing rubble.
The USAR [Urban Search and Rescue] Teams wrote their findings on the doors when they finished their search of a building. This building was cleared by a team from Queensland, Australia on 27 February 2011.
The cartoon shows a flag which looks rather like that of both Australia and New Zealand but not exactly like either; the Union Jack is half out of the top left corner and there are just three of New Zealand's four red stars and three of Australia's white stars. The cartoonist's title is 'Aust NZ united in tragedy'. Context - The Queensland floods of December 2010 to January 2011.
Colour and black and white versions available.
Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd holds up a Ucan tshirt during his visit to Campus during the progressive restart.
PTE Steven Khudson on cordon duty in Christchurch central city. In the background, members of the South Australian Urban Search and Rescue team can be seen as well as a digger.