A photograph of visitors to LUXCITY at the temporary bar and installation titled Tonic.
A photograph of an architecture student assembling the temporary bar and installation titled Tonic, which is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of an architecture student assembling the temporary bar and installation titled Tonic, which is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of architecture students in hard hats and high-visibility vests assembling the temporary bar and installation titled Tonic. The bar is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of architecture students in hard hats and high-visibility vests assembling the temporary bar and installation titled Tonic. The bar was part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of architecture students in hard hats and high-visibility vests assembling the temporary bar and installation titled Tonic. The bar is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of architecture students in hard hats and high-visibility vests assembling the temporary bar and installation titled Tonic. The bar is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of architecture students in hard hats and high-visibility vests assembling the temporary bar and installation titled Tonic. The bar is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of a vacant site which is to be the location of the LUXCITY installations Tonic and Murmur.
An artist's impression of the installation 'Tonic', created as part of the LUXCITY event. Tutors: Annabel Pretty, Cesar Wagner, Peter McPherson
A montage of photographs of the installation 'Tonic', created as part of the LUXCITY event. Tutors: Annabel Pretty, Cesar Wagner, Peter McPherson
A montage of photographs of the creation of the installation 'Tonic'. The installation is part of the LUXCITY event. Tutors: Annabel Pretty, Cesar Wagner, Peter McPherson