Christchurch Earthquake Aftermath
Rolleston, South Island, NZ
Rolleston, South Island, NZ
looking south along manchester st.
I have always meant to go back here and get a shot without cars. thr facade of this building is so quaint iI loved it. Now too late
A view after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch.
A positive message to us all after the 6.3 magnatude quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011.
A view after the 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch 22 February 2011.
Corner of Barbadoes and Kilmore Streets. So sad to see history die - both buildings and business.
Fitzgerald Ave
A view after the 6.3 magnatude quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011.
As time drifts by, more quickly now it seems!
Somewhere inside of me youth still lingers,
I’m still chasing dreams and butterflies
And gazing at rainbows in wonder!
For I believe youth never fades
In the eyes of those who can see
From the inside out!
From a poem by Annab...
A tribute to all those who are working to help Christchurch rebuild after the 6.3 magnatude quake hit 22 February 2011- Thank You!
Colombo Street looking south towards Cathedral Square, taken from Armagh Street.
813 Colombo Street looking south-ish, near the corner of Peterborough Street.
20130211_2645_1D3-840 South New Brighton bridge damage (under repair)
Earthquake damage (that right hand abutment should be vertical with the bridge and the hand rail level). Bridge is closed to eastbound traffic (to left) and has a 3500kg weight limit as well.
The eastern approach is the same. Damage caused mainly in the 04/09/10 and 22/02/11...
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury NZ. Bridge Street, South Brighton, Christchurch.
Manchester Street looking south towards the Port Hills, near the corner of Gloucester Street.
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury NZ. Bridge Street, South Brighton, Christchurch.
Rolleston/Burnham, South Island, NZ
This used to be a perfectly straight and flat road!
West side of Colombo Street looking south-ish, taken from near the corner of Armagh Street.