Riverside reserve near Parenga Place.
Parenga Place
Waitaki Street
Corner Orari and Wairoa Streets
This road was recently resurfaced.
Mud fills the wetland.
Footpath at the end of Seabreeze Close. Houses in this area have been evacuated.
Morganwood Street
Riverside reserve near Parenga Place.
This was a footpath.
201090904_3316_1D3-28 Bexley Garage, Christchurch earthquake
Bexley petrol station
As the tanks were empty, they floated due to soil liquefaction. Pages Road.
Seabreeze Close, Bexley Wetland
Bexley, still under flood
Moving from the Bexley "Red Zone" to?
20140927_2219_1D3-24 Planting natives at Harold Henry Park
A planting of native bushes and trees in the old children's playground area in Bexley, Organised by the Facebook group Avon River Park and assisted by ex Bexley residents. This is right in the middle of the Bexley red zone with most houses removed or demolished now.
19 Velsheda Street, Pacific Park, Bexley is about to be trucked out.
20100905_3336_1D3-24 Ground movement Pacific Park - Christchurch earthquake
A house in Pacific Park (Bexley) that borders the Bexley Wetlands. Land moved towards the wetlands and the closer to wetlands the more severe the damage.
Bexley Subdivision (<5yrs old) Due to be condemned following the liquification damage
Bexley Subdivision (<5yrs old) Due to be condemned following the liquification damage
Bexley Subdivision (<5yrs old) Due to be condemned following the liquification damage
Bexley Subdivision (<5yrs old) Due to be condemned following the liquification damage
Bexley Subdivision (<5yrs old) Due to be condemned following the liquification damage
Bexley Subdivision (<5yrs old) Due to be condemned following the liquification damage