Depicts spoof poster of new Zealand television series 'Hope and Wire' starring American actors as Bob Parker, Christchurch Mayor, Gerry Brownlee, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister, Roger Sutton, CERA CEO, Andrew Holden, Editor The Press. Context: a six part television series will be set in Christchurch in the aftermath of the earthquakes (Stuff 11 September 2012). Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
One woman says to another as they both struggle to keep their feet against a howling gale 'Things are looking up! We're talking about the weather instead of earthquakes!' Context: It is more than a year after the first earthquake struck in Canterbury on September 3 2011. The city is still struggling to deal with the damage and with the psychological aftermath for many people. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The cartoon shows a family standing proudly in front of their tent which has 'No leaks!', is 'Earthquake-proof!', and 'Affordable!' An 'Optional extra' is an 'inflatable base for tsunami-prone areas'. Text below reads 'Not suitable for volcanic areas. Refers to the problems that have been experienced in the last couple of decades with leaky homes because of slack building codes (which have now been tightened), refers also to the Canterbury earthquake of 4th September with its aftermath of rebuilding for greater earthquake proofing and lastly refers to the problem of people being unable to afford houses. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The upper of two frames shows Auckland all lit up for the Rugby World Cup and the lower frame shows Christchurch with a backdrop of munted buildings and a few people creating light with candles and torches. Context: The cartoon shows a contrast between the two cities as Christchurch struggles with the aftermath of the earthquakes and Auckland revels in the Rugby World Cup festivities. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The cartoon shows an enormous ball of red tape and all around frustrated workers carry away their ladders and tools. Context - Three months after a quake that scored a direct hit under Christchurch, many residents are struggling with mountains of paperwork required to get their homes repaired and rebuilt. Reference numbers, codes and Pin numbers permeate our daily living now as we deal with the aftermath of two major earthquakes in six months. People feel they are lucky that they have the EQC pot to draw on, but there are a lot of complexities, anomalies and frustrations. (BBC News 21 May 2011) Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
The cartoon shows rubble and ruined buildings after the Canterbury earthquake of 4th September 2010. Rats representing 'looters' run over the buildings taking advantage as do cockroaches representing 'politics'. Refers to a certain amount of looting but also the high profiles during the aftermath of Mayor Bob Parker with local body elections only a few weeks away and PM John Key in particular. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
An official at the 'Otago Port Co.' stares in bewilderment at the feet of his colleague at the Lyttelton Port Company who says 'Ah, that might do it for now' as he hangs upside down by his feet from his upturned desk in the aftermath of the 4th September Canterbury earthquake. Text above reads 'News, the Lyttelton Port Co. has halted merger talks with Otago since the 'quake, saying "the landscape has changed". Refers to the news that Lyttelton Port, the South Island's biggest port, abandoned two-years of merger talks with rival Port Otago because it is preoccupied with rebuilding after the Canterbury earthquake. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
MP Jim Anderton who is standing for Mayor of Christchurch in the coming local body elections (9th October) stands up to his chest in a crack in the road waving a sign that reads 'Jim Anderton for mayor' and yelling "I'm still here!' Refers to the very high profile that his rival the standing mayor Bob Parker has enjoyed in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake of 4th September 2010. Jim Anderton has rather faded out of the limelight by comparison. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Maori Party MP for Te Tai Tonga, Rahui Katene' is buried up to her neck in earthquake rubble as she reads a newspaper headline referring to her statement that the aftermath of the earthquake has demonstrated 'racism and ethnic profiling'. Rahui Katene's head is disintegrating and two engineers who are examining the damage decide that 'This can't be repaired, it needs to be condemned'. Rahui Katene says the authorities, who kicked a Christchurch family out of a welfare centre that was set up after the Christchurch earthquake that struck on the 4th September, should apologise for judging them too early and shaming them publicly. Mrs Katene was also concerned about claims that Maori youth were being targeted by police. "I've heard from whanau that in one particular area rangatahi who were volunteering in their community and helping their whanau were accused by police of theft. The whanau are trying to work these issues through with the police, but I'm growing concerned about what appears to be ethnic profiling." Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).