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Audio, Radio New Zealand

More than 11,000 people reported feeling the earthquake that hit just after 2am on Friday. The magnitude 4.8 quake was centred 5-kilometres south of Te Aroha, at a depth of 6-kilometres. People from Kaitaia, through to the sodden regions of Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Coromandel, and even down in Christchurch, reported feeling it. A series of weaker aftershocks began to strike 40 minutes later, although there are no immediate reports of damage as of yet. It's not the first quake to hit Te Aroha this year - a 5.1 quake rattled the town on January 4. Te Kuiti resident Zane Burdett and Kees Meinderts from Motumaoho, just south of Morrinsville, spoke to Corin Dann.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

As Chief Executive of Te Runanga o Ngāi Tahu, Arihia Bennett leads a whanau of more than 78,000 iwi members, including their near-$2b worth of assets. She's been in the role for 11 years, overseeing all of Ngāi Tahu's operations, including farming, seafood, tourism and investment. She has also served as Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Commissioner, been on the board of Barnardos NZ and the Christchurch Women's Refuge (now known as Aviva). She is a current member of the Global Women's Network and the Tuahiwi Maori Women's Welfare League. In 2008, she was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to Maori and the community. Arihia Bennett is a social worker by profession, from a whanau steeped in community service. She talks to Susie Ferguson about her leadership style, her vision for Ngāi Tahu and her love of vintage clothes.