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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Police are investigating the origins of a letter which threatened Earthquake Commission staff and referred to the Christchurch mosque shootings. The Earthquake Commission has heightened security at all its offices in response. Renée Walker is EQC's deputy chief executive. She talks to Susie Ferguson.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The EQC Minister says she is concerned a threatening letter sent to the Earthquake Commission may have been sent by the same person who sent staff a bullet in the post two years ago. Police are investigating an anonymous threat in a letter sent to EQC staff on the 1st of May. The threat made reference to the Christchurch mosque attacks and has forced EQC to increase security at all its offices. Indira spoke with insurance advocate of 26 years, Dean Lester.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The family of a Christchurch earthquake victim wants the Royal Commission to investigate all Search and Rescue efforts during the disaster. The Government faces a higher-than-forecast Budget deficit.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Civil Engineer Professor Jason Ingham discusses his extensive projects investigating seismic retrofit of structures in earthquake regions he's been to over the past 12 months, Indonesia, Chile and of course, Christchurch.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Toni Collins is a Canterbury University PhD researcher in law, who is investigating how commercial leases could be written to better deal with the aftermath of earthquakes, and how cases of disputes could progress through the courts.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A lawyer who is suing Southern Response on behalf of earthquake claimants says he was intimidated by private investigators for another government agency in 2013. Southern Response is in charge of settling the outstanding quake claims of former AMI customers in Christchurch, but is now under investigation by the public sector watchdog, the State Services Commission. The Commission is looking at whether standards of integrity and conduct for state servants have been breached in its hiring of security company, Thompson and Clark. Southern Response says it hired the firm in 2014 to assess the level of risk some customers posed to staff. Lawyer Grant Shand tells Guyon Espiner he's waiting to see the results of the inquiry.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Prime Minister prepares for the Christchurch Call Summit in Paris saying governments need to protect their citizens from radicalisation, Police investigate who sent a threatening letter to the Earthquake Commission, A powerful 7.5 magnitude quake strikes PNG overnight.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

It's no longer politics as usual in Christchurch following a series of devastating earthquakes. Not everyone in the city and its surrounding areas is happy with last week's offer to buy out those households on land which has suffered the worst damage. Our political editor Brent Edwards investigates.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

158 other buildings may share CTV construction flaw; US defence chief lifts ban on NZ vessels in US ports; first snapshot of national standards data published today; Korean fishing boat officers fined more than $400,000; and SFO starts investigation into Christchurch earthquake insurance fraud.