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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Our Christchurch features producer, Kary Gosset has a story from one of the worst affected areas from the Feb 22 earthquake. Sumner has frequently been in the news with images of its crumbled cliffs, and Sumner is where Katy Gosset lives. This is her latest snapshot at where her suburb is at.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

As if the crumbling ceilings, broken sewage pipes and torn up roads weren't enough for the people of North Christchurch to deal with, now there's a new problem that may be caused by the September earthquake: Mosquitoes. Pines Beach and Kairaki residents say black clouds of mosquitoes are descending on them at dusk and dawn.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Canterbury organist Martin Setchell gives the inaugural recital on an organ that’s more than 100 years old. He explains how the instrument survived the February 22nd earthquake even though the church crumbled around it, why it was important to save it, and how the latest technology has being integrated into the restored organ..