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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Former Christchurch restaurateur James Jameson ran a cafe in the Christchurch Arts Centre until the Canterbury earthquakes of 2011. Last year, James moved to Mt Lyford – the area hit hard and isolated by this month's earthquakes.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

On the 10th anniversary of the devastating 2011 Christchurch quake we hear the first-hand story from Zara Potts, who describes how the brick cafe she was in caved in around her; we hear from Dr Caroline Bell on how the earthquakes impacted the mental health of Cantabrians and how things are looking a decade later; and our panellists share their own memories from that day.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

One Christchurch business has found just the right ingredients to rise again."The Naked Baker"gave away all of their cakes and buns and baked goods to the people of North Brighton after the earthquake on February 22nd. Co-owners Darren Carlaw and Andrew Snee started the bakery, coffee roastery and mobile food business 8 years ago. The cafe had to shut for more than 2 weeks to clean up all the damage . They didn't know what to expect when the business re-opened. What they discovered is that business is up by 30% thanks in part to their ability to bring their coffee and cakes to the many offices that have moved out of the center of town.