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Audio, Radio New Zealand

When Christchurch couple Maree Mockford and Bruce Vincent's home was badly damaged by the February earthquake they shifted into a caravan on their property. Six months later they're still roughing it, using a chemical toilet and showering off site.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Canadian-born Mark Quigley is a senior lecturer in Active Tectonics and Geomorphology at the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Canterbury. He's become an unwitting star as the go-to scientific voice throughout the Canterbury earthquakes, using plain language to help people understand what's behind the earthquake sequence. He's also had his own personal quake story - his Avonside home was badly damaged and is in the red zone.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A story of hope, at least when it comes to the rebuilding challenge ahead, particularly of Christchurch's badly damaged Cathedral. The Australian city of Newcastle suffered a major earthquake in 1989, and over the next few years put huge effort into rebuilding, virtually brick by brick, its ruined Cathedral. John McNaughton, who was the Lord mayor of Newcastle who oversaw the rebuild, joins us.