New Zealand Red Cross launches earthquake appeal
Audio, Radio New Zealand
There is now a single appeal fund being managed by the New Zealand Red Cross to help those affected by Canterbury's earthquake.
There is now a single appeal fund being managed by the New Zealand Red Cross to help those affected by Canterbury's earthquake.
Many of New Zealand's companies are fronting up with large donations to help with rebuilding in Christchurch.
Former Radio New Zealander..John McDonald is at home in Cashmere and has lost his chimney.
A review of the week's news including the latest on the Canterbury earthquake as aftershocks continue to hit the region, ACT MP David Garrett quits the party amid shocking revelations, a report into the Air New Zealand crash off the French coast in 2008 blames poor maintenance and pilot error, first steps are taken to repeal the Foreshore and Seabed Act, the New Zealand Airforce evacuates an ill man from Antarctica, New Zealand's athletes could pull out of the Commonwealth Games and immigrant birds that mimic the native species.
It's been more than two months since New Zealand braced for a tsunami following a massive earthquake off the coast of Chile.
Highlights from Radio New Zealand National's programmes for the week ending Friday 8 October. This week.....Canterbury marks a month since its earthquake, a co-producer of The Hobbit speaks out about union activity threatening the film's production in New Zealand, can the Commonwealth Games media stomach Delhi, Michael Caine talks about his new autobiography and we get the lowdown on whitebait.
Fletcher Construction has won the largest building contract in New Zealand history to repair half of the Canterbury homes damaged in last month's earthquake.
New Zealand's strict building codes are being praised for minimising the injuries and damage caused by the seven-point one magnitude earthquake that shook Canterbury on Saturday.
A state house tenant in the Christchurch suburb of Avonside is withholding her rent, saying Housing New Zealand has left her in the lurch following the big earthquake.
Highlights from Radio New Zealand National's programmes for the week ending Friday 10 September. This week........we have a review of our coverage of the earthquake that rocked Christchurch on Saturday morning.
Topics - A couple of New Zealand women, determined to carry on clubbing with kids, have launched the first New Zealand-based"Baby Loves Disco"franchise in Auckland's Viaduct. The"sheer strength and power"of the September the 4th earthquake has more than doubled the number of reported supernatural events in Canterbury, according to a paranormal investigator. The 2010 Census of Women's Participation reveals that female participation in governance, professional and public life is slipping away - erasing gains made in the past decades.
Topics - New Zealand could begin full-scale military exercises with the United States within a year. A reported doubling of the number of supernatural events in Canterbury has been attributed to the 'sheer strength and power' of the September 4 earthquake, by a paranormal investigator.
Hide backs Garrett despite passport fraud, Christchurch firms hopeful RBNZ will keep rates on hold, Radio New Zealand's political editor discusses Act turmoil, Earthquake muddies picture on future OCR rises, State of emergency expected to be lifted in Canterbury, Kaikoura slip due to be cleared today and Statue of Battle of Britain hero Sir Keith Park unveiled in London.
Highlights from Radio New Zealand National's programmes for the week ending Friday 17 September. This week........criticism of some media over coverage of the Canterbury earthquake, the French five hour working week exposed, Sir Keith Park's legacy 70 years after the Battle of Britain, Cold - a new book explores this temperature good and bad and fond memories shared of the Monde Marie coffee shop in Wellington.
Canterbury earthquake victims with the most damaged homes could have to wait more than two and half years for their houses to be fixed - but one owner says her problems are nothing compared to the misery of the Pike River mine disaster.
The owners of more than three-thousand properties damaged by the Canterbury earthquake have been told the repair job could take nearly three years.
Last-minute claims for property damage caused by the Canterbury earthquake are flooding into the Earthquake Commission as the deadline looms. Homeowners have responded to an eleventh-hour hurry up, and the number of claims being lodged daily has almost quadrupled.
The Australian-owned, ANZ Bank, is betting small and medium sized firms will drive earnings next year, bolstered by the Rugby World Cup and rebuilding of the earthquake-hit Canterbury region.
A new report by the Greater Wellington Regional Council paints a grim picture if the capital was struck by a 7 point 1 earthquake, similar to that which hit Canterbury in September.
Some Christchurch drainlayers repairing damage from the Canterbury Earthquake say there are delays and confusion in getting repayments from the earthquake commission.
Businesses struggling after the Canterbury earthquake are vowing to keep up the pressure on the Government for more assistance.
Deborah Nation dusts off a series of recordings made with successive generations of a Canterbury lineage whose family homestead was one of the casualties of the earthquake on 4 September 2010 .
The days of aftershocks have got too much for the Wingfield family who are getting out of Christchurch in an effort to calm their deeply distressed children aged two and five.
Politicians have praised the courage and resilience shown by Canterbury residents following Saturday's earthquake. MPs from all the parties in Parliament had an opportunity to address the House this afternoon.
Workers who lose their income as a result of the earthquake in Canterbury will be eligible for compensation.
The Government is to provide income support to some workers who've lost earnings because of the earthquake in Canterbury. The support package will be offered to businesses with fewer than 20 employees, which are unable to operate or pay their staff.
It's day four of the massive clean-up operation in Canterbury. Hundreds of shops and offices in the region are being assessed to check if they're safe.
Canterbury schools to stay closed until Monday, Earthquake family tries to comfort traumatised children, Christchurch welfare centres start filling up, Independent Australian MPs back Labor, Universities raise fees to maximum, MPs in Parliament pay tribute to people of Canterbury, Prime Minister speaks from Christchurch, and Julia Gillard speaks about the newly formed government.
Topics - Facebook coordinates students to provide assistance after the Christchurch earthquake, the Web is dead. Long Live the Internet Bits and Bobs, parents use 'digital' grounding as a 21st century disciplinary tool, Gmail Priority Inbox Sorts Your Email For You, introducing Wikileakileaks: Your Source for Wikileaks-Related Leaks and Melbourne computer hacker turned whistleblower extraordinaire Julian Assange is under pressure from within WikiLeaks to step down.
The Social Development Minister, Paula Bennett, says there are thousands of unemployed people in Christchurch who could help rebuild the city.