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Audio, Radio New Zealand

National Manager Special Operations, New Zealand Fire Service, who lead the Urban Search and Rescue Teams in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake. He then lead the New Zealand USAR team which travelled to Northern Japan to assist after the earthquake and tsunami there.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

One of the biggest sporting occasions for NZ's Nepalese community takes place this weekend. Nepali-based soccer teams from all around the country are vying for the big prize in the annual Tenzing Hillary Cup Football Tournament . Seven teams took part in Christchurch in 2017. This year it's Auckland's turn to host eight teams, with over 700 spectators expected over the next 2 days. It's organised by local Nepalese Associations, who are also involved in raising cash for earthquake recovery projects back home. Lynn Freeman speaks with organiser Ramesh Gurung and Peter Gibbs, from the Office of the Nepalese Consulate in NZ.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A special trauma team has been brought into Christchurch to try to stop a panic exodus of refugees living in the city. Among the 70-thousand people who have fled Christchurch in the last week are refugees who are afraid that another big earthquake will hit. The team is also working with new immigrants, many of whom are victims of war and torture. Dr Arif Saeid is with the organisation Refugees As Survivors.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

There's good news of sorts on the building-inspection front in Auckland. After nearly seven days of fanning out across the city inspecting damaged buildings - the biggest such deployment of building inspectors since the Christchurch earthquake emergency - the operation will be scaled back this weekend.  There are currently around 95 inspectors in the field who have checked 3,500 buildings. As of 6pm last night 190 buildings were red stickered, and a further 790 yellow stickered. The most red stickered areas are Mount Albert/Mt Eden with 54 and the North Shore with 32. Auckland Council general manager building consents Ian McCormick spoke to Corin Dann. 

Audio, Radio New Zealand

This week marked the 4th anniversary of the Christchurch and Canterbury earthquake. New research from the University of Otago in Christchurch with earthquake survivors is shedding some light on the question of what makes some people cope better with trauma than others. A group of psychiatrists and psychologists from the University have been studying a group of more than 100 Cantabrians exposed to high levels of stress during the earthquakes who coped well. They compared this group against a group of patients with post-earthquake trauma, being treated by the Adult Specialist Services Earthquake Treatment Team, or ASSETT, set up by the Canterbury DHB. Dr Gini McIntosh from the Otago University is part of the research team, and one of the psychologists with ASSETT.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Dr. Mark Quiqley is Senior Lecturer in Active Tectonics and Geomorphology in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Canterbury. He is part of the team involved in the scientific response to the Canterbury earthquake and has been monitoring it from the air.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

At least five companies are busy working in and around Christchurch blasting rock on unstable slopes in the hope of reducing danger since the earthquakes. Spectrum's Deborah Nation joins backcountry construction company Solutions 2 Access, as the team blasts rock on the Port Hills above Lyttelton.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Eighteen-year-old Josh Anderson was part of the team removing an organ from a church in Christchurch when it collapsed during the 22 February earthquake, killing three of his colleagues. Now, 18 months later, he is about to perform his first ever solo organ concert in his hometown, Timaru.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

For six weeks after the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake millions of litres of raw sewage - along with lots of liquefaction - poured into the Avon and Heathcote Rivers. A team of biologists quickly got to work to measure the impact of this catastrophe on life in the Heathcote River and as they tell Alison Ballance, they were surprised by what they recorded over the next few months.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Music we know is a great healer, and members of the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra have just been to quake-hit Kaikoura to play for children and for people who're struggling. Kaikoura Earthquake Recovery Team invited five CSO musicians to perform for local schools, for residents in the Kaikoura Health Facility, and the wider community during the week. CSO first violin Cathy Irons talks to Lynn Freeman about the experience.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

In the programme this week - the former New Zealand cricket captain Stephen Fleming talks about plans for a charity cricket match to raise funds for victims of the Canterbury earthquake. We hear about the role of sports chaplaincy in New Zealand sports teams, Blyth Tait talks about his return to top level Equestrian competition after a seven year absence and one of the country's premier mountain biking events, the Karapoti Classic, near Wellington is underway again.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Temple for Christchurch is an enormous work, representing the seismic wave of the February 22 earthquake. Made mostly from salvaged wood it's taken a team of volunteers two years to build. But it will meet a fiery end on Saturday night when it is deliberately set alight. Justin Gregory meets the designer and his volunteers with two weeks left until burn day. But when he gets there, none are to be found.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Christchurch remembers six years on from the deadly earthquake. What panelists Ali Jones and James Nokise have been up to. John Gray from the Home Owners and Buyers Association believes the mayor is getting advice from self interest groups looking to shift the focus from their own shortcomings. Police in Hawkes Bay discovered 300 stolen garden gnomes with a growing trend to sell them on to fund meth purchases. Pie eating goalie in the UK has resigned for taking part in the bet that he would eat a pie during his team's match.