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Audio, Radio New Zealand

A Taranaki business owner is warning leaseholders to read the fine print of their contracts after being asked to pay his rent in full despite a clause in his lease allowing for a rent cut if he couldn't legally access the property. Clause 27.5 was included in the Auckland District Law Society commercial lease in 2012 in response to the Canterbury earthquakes, when many leaseholders were barred from their businesses. RNZ reporter Robin Martin has more.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Chaos predicted with switch in give way rules, The first GST increase in 21 years comes into force at midnight tonight, Villages around Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga are today remembering the day one year ago when lives, homes and businesses were destroyed by a deadly tsunami , One of Auckland most distinctive local bodies has made an emotional exit one month before the creation of the new super city, The Law Society has added its voice to condemnation the government is giving itself far too much power by passing the emergency Canterbury earthquake legislation.