Canterbury earthquake aftermath
Audio, Radio New Zealand
With Kelvin Berryman - Natural Hazards manager at GNS and Carol Ball - Red Cross Area Manager for Canterbury.
With Kelvin Berryman - Natural Hazards manager at GNS and Carol Ball - Red Cross Area Manager for Canterbury.
The Christchurch earthquake was obviously a huge story this year, and for one couple it will always be particularly memorable. Christchurch lawyer Katherine Ewer and her husband David got married that day.
Peter Townsend is the Chief Executive of the Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce. He is part of the official reconstruction group. Geert van de Vorsten Bosch is the emergency Centre Supervisor at Linwood High School which has been turned into an evacuation centre. Dr Ramon Pink is the Canterbury medical officer of health. Metservice duty forecaster Heath Gullery speaks about the possible weather issues Canterbury may soon experience.
Christchurch Earthquake
Geologists say the South Island is likely to be hit with another, even larger, earthquake sometime in the next 50 years. Teams of earthquake experts are in Canterbury studying the previously undetected fault responsible for Saturday's 7.1 magnitude earthquake and dozens of aftershocks.
Public Affairs manager for Kiwi Rail.
The support has been outstanding for those with damaged homes, buildings and farm infrastructure, but some are still too shattered to really know what to get the keen helpers to do.
The Earthquake Commission says it's had to dismiss assessors who've not met its standards when dealing with Canterbury claimants.
Head of Canterbury's regional civil defense.
RNZ producer Susan Baldacci reports from Christchurch.
Simon reports from Cashmere.
Frances Adank is in St Albans where there are ruptured pipes and collapsed chimneys.
The Minister of Civil Defence John Carter.
Ian Beale joins us from Mt Pleasant where there has been a rock fall off Castle Rock.
An update on the phone systems from Telecom's communications manager Mark Watts.
Karen Neill is the head of RNZ's Sound Archives.
It's just over three weeks since a magnitude seven-point-one earthquake struck Canterbury, damaging infrastructure and destroying homes and businesses and the Earthquake Commission has already received over 75-thousand claims.
Aftershocks have continued to shake Canterbury overnight following Saturday morning's brutal 7.1 earthquake.
Last-minute claims for property damage caused by the Canterbury earthquake are flooding into the Earthquake Commission as the deadline looms. Homeowners have responded to an eleventh-hour hurry up, and the number of claims being lodged daily has almost quadrupled.
The Canterbury earthquake is tipped to increase insurance premiums across the country.
It's estimated up to 150 businesses will go bust following the Canterbury earthquake.
Amidst the damage and disruption of the Canterbury earthquake, spare a thought for the animals.
Many of New Zealand's companies are fronting up with large donations to help with rebuilding in Christchurch.
Clinical psychologist Sarb Johal, formerly an adviser with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Civil Defence, on trauma and psychosocial support after Canterbury's earthquake.
Four schools in quake hit Canterbury reopened today - the first since Saturday's shake closed about 165 schools in the area.
A series of aftershocks on Boxing Day has rocked Christchurch, hitting businesses hard over the post-Christmas sales.
Former Radio New Zealander..John McDonald is at home in Cashmere and has lost his chimney.
After a rush of babies born on the day of Canterbury's earthquake, the stress of the continuing tremors mean some women are now having trouble giving birth.
Jessica Maddock has been covering the quake and its aftermath throughout the past month.
The transport agency says its earthquake strengthening of bridges has repaid itself in Canterbury after September's quake.