Days after the city of Christchurch was devastated by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, This Way Up's presenter Simon Morton traverses the city using the Avon River as his route. Travelling on a bicycle from the source of the Avon in the West to Heathcote Estuary in the East, where the Avon meets the Pacific, everyone has a story to tell.
Geoff Robinson in Christchurch, where the Dean of Christchurch leads the observance of two minutes silence as a mark of rememberance for those lost in the quake.
The Christchurch earthquake was obviously a huge story this year, and for one couple it will always be particularly memorable. Christchurch lawyer Katherine Ewer and her husband David got married that day.
Noelle talks with researcher Jesse Dykstra.
John Mitchell is the head of Civil Defence.
Barry Corbett, a Christchurch City Councillor is at the Christchurch Art Gallery which is being set up as a Civil Defence Centre.
John Townend is an Associate Professor at the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences.
Radio New Zealand reporter Jessica Maddock reports from outside the Christchurch City Art Gallery which is being converted into a Civil Defence centre.
Public Affairs manager for Kiwi Rail.
Karen Neill from the Sound Archives at Radio New Zealand's Christchurch office.
Radio New Zealand reporter Jessica Maddock reports from outside the Christchurch City Art Gallery which is being converted into a Civil Defence centre.
Rodger Bates is a farmer from near Darfield.
Head of Canterbury's regional civil defense.
RNZ producer Susan Baldacci reports from Christchurch.
Simon reports from Cashmere.
Frances Adank is in St Albans where there are ruptured pipes and collapsed chimneys.
The Minister of Civil Defence John Carter.
Ian Beale joins us from Mt Pleasant where there has been a rock fall off Castle Rock.
An update on the phone systems from Telecom's communications manager Mark Watts.
Karen Neill is the head of RNZ's Sound Archives.
Jim Mora crosses to reporters in Christchurh to get an update on the 1:00pm aftershock.
The Christchurch Earthquake Appeal established by the government and spearheaded by NZX Chief Executive Mark Weldon has attracted donor money from companies and individuals around the world. How will that money be spent?
Christchurch earthquake coverage.
Christchurch Earthquake
GNS seismologists explain why the Darfield and Christchurch earthquakes were so damaging and 'punchy'
The Earthquake Recovery Minister accuses parts of the Christchurch council of slowing the recovery.
The University of Canterbury's CEISMIC project is building a digital archive of earthquake-related information
A short symphony written by eight-year-old Bob Gaudin in response to the Christchurch earthquake.
A series of ten aftershocks have been ratting Christchurch this morning, with the biggest of five-point-five magnitude being widely felt just over two hours ago.
A series of aftershocks on Boxing Day has rocked Christchurch, hitting businesses hard over the post-Christmas sales.