Nearly a year on from November's 7.8 magnitude earthquake, schools in the Hurunui District say children are struggling to cope. And if the experience of Christchurch is anything to go by, it's likely to get worse before it gets better.
Work has finally begun dismantling Lancaster Park in Christchurch, six years after it was damaged beyond repair in the February earthquake. It comes at the same time the city's leaders debate what a new stadium could look like and who will pay.
The Christchurch suburb of New Brighton was hit hard by the Christchurch earthquakes, with roads that still haven't been fixed and many families on struggle street. One local is hoping a fridge offering free food, will help.
As a cemetary near her home is cordoned off, fears for Blessie Gotingco intensify. In Christchurch, there's questions over asbestos and potential danger in the earthquake rebuild and a sub zero wake up for the south, as temperatures plummet.
Today marks seven years since the devastating Christchurch Earthquake. We turn out attention to the Garden City, first celebrating the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra’s 60th anniversary with violinist Natalia Lomeiko, then organist Martin Setchell on the Oxford Terrace Baptist Church organ rising from the rubble.
Georgina Hanafin says EQC has offered her $48,000 to fix her house, which has a repair bill of $260,000. She also has a mortgage of $300,000 for the house she purchased after the Christchurch earthquakes.
Children not even born when the city was devastated by the 2011 earthquake are showing signs of quake-related stress. A Christchurch-based clinical psychologist Catherine Gallagher says the children are living with the ongoing impact of the quakes.
Between demolition and rebuild stands a time of opportunity in the earthquake ravaged city of Christchurch. Greening the Rubble and Gap Filler are temporary pockets of enterprise which began as early responses and have built in momentum to define the new city.
Maurice and I tells the surprisingly moving story of two of the most successful architects in New Zealand - Sir Miles Warren and Maurice Mahoney - their life, their times, and their struggle to save their most famous building after the 2011 Christchurch earthquake.
A Christchurch community board member says government changes to a scheme helping owners of earthquake-damaged homes shows they don't understand what claimants are dealing with. Community board member Ali Jones spoke to Guyon Espiner.
The Governors Bay community weren't going to accept a Christchurch council decision to close the 140 year old jetty following earthquake damage in 2011. Nick Harwood's part of the group and handily a geotechnical engineer.
The Prime Minister, John Key, says it is now up to the police to decide whether criminal charges will be laid over the collapse of the CTV building in the Christchurch earthquake in February last year.
Questions to Ministers
1. Hon ANNETTE KING to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: How many working-age people are currently receiving a main benefit and how does this compare to July 2010?
2. AMY ADAMS to the Minister of Finance: What reports has he received on the cost of damage from the Canterbury earthquake?
3. Hon DAVID CUNLIFFE to the Minister of Finance: Will he agree to a full public and independent Commission of Inquiry into the collapse of South Canterbury Finance?
4. METIRIA TUREI to the Attorney-General: Does he stand by his statement that the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Bill "treats all New Zealanders including Māori without discrimination"?
5. Hon DARREN HUGHES to the Minister of Transport: Does he stand by his statement that "the Government is totally committed to the SuperGold Card"?
6. TIM MACINDOE to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: What is the Government doing to support the Canterbury community through the earthquake recovery?
7. Hon TREVOR MALLARD to the Minister of Education: Does she stand by all of her statements in answer to oral question No. 8 yesterday?
8. Dr PAUL HUTCHISON to the Minister of Health: What reports has he received on the Canterbury District Health Board's actions following the Canterbury earthquake?
9. Hon DAVID PARKER to the Attorney-General: Given his answer yesterday that he agreed with the Prime Minister's statement earlier this year, "in the end if we can't reach an agreement then the status quo will remain", what acknowledgement, if any, has he received from the Māori Party that the new legal framework for settling foreshore and seabed claims will be "durable"?
10. Dr JACKIE BLUE to the Minister of Transport: What updates has he received on transport in and around Canterbury following the earthquake and numerous aftershocks?
11. DARIEN FENTON to the Minister of Labour: Is she currently considering any changes to employment law that were not included in the changes announced at the National Party Conference; if so, what are they?
12. KATRINA SHANKS to the Minister of Housing: How is the Department of Building and Housing working to keep landlords and tenants informed of their rights and responsibilities following the Christchurch earthquake?
Topics - A magnitude 4.7 earthquake that rattled Wellington early this morning was the second to hit the capital in less than a week. Your ideas for economic measures to stimulate Christchurch's recovery continue to flow in.
In this edition: The report into the collapse of the CTV building in the Christchurch earthquake a year ago is released, the Maori Council lodges claims with the Waitangi tribunal that could throw a spanner in the works of the Government's asset sales programme, the Earthquake Recovery Minister nearing the end of his tether with the Christchurch City Council, more from the Pike River Royal Commission, Radio Live could face a potential one hundred thousand dollar fine under the electoral act over John Key's hour long radio show in the run up to the 2011 election, banks lift their collective profits for the second half of 2011 by 25 percent and the winners are announced at the 2012 Halberg Awards.
It could be up to 18 months before 660 Christchurch homeowners know who will pay for earthquake damage repairs with a $1 billion price tag. The bill to fix houses in Christchurch that weren't repaired properly the first time round, or have suffered more damage in aftershocks, is climbing - and the government can't say who's liable. The problem is the homes have new owners who can't claim on theri insurance because the damage pre-dates them owning the home. Earlier Greater Christchurch Regeneration Minister Megan Woods told us the previous National government put no plan in place, and the current government is being left to pick up the pieces. Former Christchurch earthquake recovery minister Gerry Brownlee disputes the issue.
Many people in this city are, yet again, cleaning up after a major earthquake. An increasing number of householders, especially in the badly hit eastern suburbs, say they're close to hanging up their spades and shipping out.
The Christchurch Art Gallery is on track to reopen late next year, almost five years after the most devastating of the city's earthquakes put it out of commission. One of the key players in this important next step is Dr Lara Strongman who is the gallery's new senior curator.
We have a leaked report which details critical earthquake faults in a new high rise building in Christchurch. A review finds bullies in Parliament but doesn't say who they are. And a Muslim community advocate welcomes the laying of terrorism charges against the Christchurch gunman.
Beverly Forrester farms near Harden which is down the road from Hanmer Springs. Road damage means she's cut off from the outside world, apart from her phone Beverly was caught up in the Christchurch earthquake, so the events of the last 24hrs have been quite trying for her.
Post-earthquake most people would say it was difficult to find housing in Christchurch. But reports suggest that the market has flattened. And terraced housing and apartments are sitting empty. Christchurch Council finance committee chairman, Councillor Raf Manji, discusses future developments like The East Frame.
Colette Jansen talks to guitar and banjo played Neill Pickard about establishing the Christchurch Jazz School, working in and around Christchurch with his Dixieland Jazz Band, and life after the Christchurch Earthquake. Due to copyright issues all music has been removed.
Justice Minister Andrew Little said on Thursday that "everybody involved in this has walked away scot-free. And that's not right." Nigel Hampton QC, who was counsel for the families at the Royal Commission in to the Canterbury earthquakes, joins us to discuss the outcome.
Christchurch moteliers say this has been the hardest winter since the Canterbury earthquakes - and they are blaming both AirBnB and a lack of events. RNZ Christchurch reporter Logan Church spoke with Comfort Inn motel owner, Bob Cringle, about the state of the sector.
KiwiRail's Coastal Pacific scenic journey will roll again between Picton and Christchurch from December 1, two years after the service was put on hold because of the devastating Kaikoura earthquake. KiwiRail's sales manager Alan Piper tells Susie Ferguson the details.
The Christchurch suburb of Sydenham was badly affected by the first earthquake in September and February's quake has struck another blow to the local retail sector. But as Katy Gosset has found, shop owners say they're confident they can rebuild.
Conversations between one-time residents of an historic riverside community - in the 1970s the late Elsie Locke and Rod Donald helped to create one of Christchurch's strongest riverside communities. The Avon Loop now subject to post earthquake re-classifation and demolition.
Three leading artists: the singer Madeleine Pierard; the children's book illustrator Gavin Bishop and playwright and actor Jacob Rajan discuss why they create work with Paul Bushnell. Awa Press writer Jane Bowron reads from her book Old Bucky & Me: Dispatches from the Christchurch Earthquake.
Hundreds of tourists have spent the night in makeshift accommodation in Wellington after fleeing earthquake hit Christchurch. The tourists were flown to the capital by the Royal New Zealand Airforce, many without passports, money and belongings left behind in hotels.
Dr. Mark Quiqley is Senior Lecturer in Active Tectonics and Geomorphology in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Canterbury. He is part of the team involved in the scientific response to the Canterbury earthquake and has been monitoring it from the air.