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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Tourism is in for a short, sharp shock as fewer people visit New Zealand after the earthquakes in Japan and Christchurch and Genesis Energy says customers have no one to blame but themselves when electricity prices spiked last Saturday.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Former editor of the Financial Times, and more recently was director general of the Confederation of British Industry, Sir Richard is New Zealand looking at earthquake recovery in Christchurch and to speak about climate change in a business context.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

When Christchurch couple Maree Mockford and Bruce Vincent's home was badly damaged by the February earthquake they shifted into a caravan on their property. Six months later they're still roughing it, using a chemical toilet and showering off site.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The first of Christchurch's high-rise buildings to close after the February earthquake has reopened. All the tenants of the12-storey HSBC Tower are now back in the building which has been extensively checked by engineering experts.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The building industry is celebrating the best in home construction with the House of the Year awards tomorrow night. Registered Master Builders chief executive David Kelly says the finalists include designs that have taken lessons from the Christchurch earthquakes.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Christchurch homeowners are taking the Earthquake Commission to court for not doing enough to fix their homes, and a move by Crimean MPs to join Russia has been declared illegal by the European Union and the US.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Rolleston is a town in the Selwyn District of Canterbury, just outside the Christchurch City boundary. It was close to the epicenter of the September earthquake last year, but suffered little damage because it sits on very stable rock.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Since the Christchurch earthquakes first struck the city back in September 2010, Coralie Winn has looked for ways to keep up the spirits of those who've stayed, and give artists outlets in the arts deprived city.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A lecturer at Canterbury University's School of Forestry, Justin Morgenroth on new research into the lifesaving role played by trees in the Christchurch earthquakes - and the importance of urban forests for the future of the city.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Paul Bushnell is talking today about how different clichés are subverted by great storytelling: Fragments, an RNZ series about the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, and Carrier from the USA - what would once have been called a radio drama.