People living in Christchurch's orange zone will have to wait longer than expected for a decision on whether they can remain in their homes, after the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority missed one of its deadlines.
The Panel Christmas Special in downtown Auckland atop the Tyler Street Garage, featuring many of the regular panellists from 2011. Due to a Checkpoint special covering the Christchurch earthquake, this was not broadcast.
A Christchurch city council manager has told the Royal Commission there was an element of chaos after the first earthquake in September 2010 as staff sought to get systems in place.
Civil Engineer Professor Jason Ingham discusses his extensive projects investigating seismic retrofit of structures in earthquake regions he's been to over the past 12 months, Indonesia, Chile and of course, Christchurch.
Around a hundred million dollars has been earmarked by Cabinet as its initial contribution to Canterbury following the earthquake, but the Prime MInister says the final bill will be far higher.
The quake stricken city has come through the latest round of earthquakes relatively unscathed. However there is disappointment that some homes were burgled after residents evacuated. The police say they will investigate.
The Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce estimates up to 150 of the region's small businesses will fold if they're not given Government assistance to relocate from their earthquake-stricken premises.
The Bishop of Christchurch has asked parishioners to think about the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Bishop Victoria Matthews is appealing to Canterbury Anglicans to give at least $100,000 for quake relief in Haiti.
The Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission has heard that evidence crucial to working out what caused the collapse of the Canterbury Television Building, was destroyed by the firm which oversaw its design.
The Christchurch city council is reconsidering its plan to dump five thousand tonnes of asbestos contaminated rubble in Bottle Lake Forest Park landfill which has been reopened to take earthquake debris.
The rebuild of central Christchurch has been taken out of the control of the city council and will now be managed by a newly formed unit within the Government's Earthquake Recovery Authority.
Professional and personal partners Victoria Flight and John Drew about the nutritional benefits of coconut oil, and the decision to develop their business 'Blue Coconut' after experiencing a deeply traumatic event in Christchurch's earthquake of February 2011.
The first passenger train from Piction to Christchurch since the devastating Kaikōura earthquake has arrived in the Garden City - Kathy Templeman was on board and says it was an emotional experience.
Mindful Mover was born after the Christchurch earthquake, the anxiety and stress caused by the continuous rattling. From there it's grown to help young people dealing with bullying, troubles at home, and learning difficulties.
A CEO who blew the whistle on his own company, Eddie the Eagle remembers soaring and in Dateline Pacific, lessons from the Christchurch earthquakes are being applied in Fiji to help people heal
A study of employees affected by the Canterbury earthquakes has found they're more likely to have jobs - and get better pay - than people in similar roles in other parts of the country.
The Lyttelton Port Company, owned by Christchurch City Council, will spend $56 million on a new berth for cruise ships, which haven't visited the garden city since the 2011 earthquake.
Police link a West Coast attack on two tourists with the death of another woman in Christchurch. A swarm of earthquakes in Hawkes Bay and Teina Pora will be released on parole.
The cleared site, where 115 lost their lives in the February 22, 2011 earthquake, has been turned into a memorial garden, which is intended to be a place for reflection and rememberance.
The historic Townsend Teece telescope in Otautahi Christchurch was badly damaged in the 2011 earthquake, but has been expertly restored and is now reinstalled back in its central city home at the Arts Centre.
What are the lessons from the Christchurch earthquakes? The Government was slow in their quake response, but does that mean we should give more property market power to the private sector?
'Rekindle' is an initiative started since the earthquakes in Canterbury which provides purposeful work for young people by giving them the opportunity to design and fashion furniture from waste wood. Spectrum's Deborah Nation explores 'Rekindle'.
Elderly and ill people evacuated from Christchurch to Nelson after the February earthquake are having to move for a second time, following the sudden closure of a rest home in Nelson.
Three years on from the earthquakes that crippled Christchurch's infrastructure, the city has yet to see costings and timeframes for the delivery of a revamped transport system for the central city.
The 6.7 magnitude earthquake which struck Christchurch three years ago didn't just destroy large amounts of the city's infrastructure, it also had a profound effect on the natural environment.
Cabinet papers show the government's one-billion-dollar plan for reorganising Christchurch schools in the wake of the Canterbury earthquakes is one of the most expensive options it could have chosen.
The first police officer at the scene of the collapsed and burning CTV building has recounted harrowing details of his efforts in the hours after the February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch.
The head of the the Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce, Peter Townsend, says the effects of the Christchurch earthquake will dominate business in Canterbury for at least the next three years.
As part of the future of Christchurch it is expected a third of all Catholic and almost half of all Presbyterian churches damaged in Christchurch's February earthquake might not be rebuilt.
Unemployment figures released yesterday may have showed little change in the nation's jobless rate, but it appears there's a gaping hole in the statistics when it comes to earthquake struck Christchurch.