Lyttleton community plans to be self reliant to safeguard food
Audio, Radio New Zealand
The community of Lyttelton, severely cut off from Christchurch access routes during the earthquakes, is planning to become more self reliant.
The community of Lyttelton, severely cut off from Christchurch access routes during the earthquakes, is planning to become more self reliant.
Heavy snow is forcing schools to close across the country. It's a double blow for Canterbury students who have already lost weeks of precious school time due to the earthquakes.
People in the Canterbury town of Kaiapoi say they are determined to preserve their community despite learning yesterday hundreds of earthquake-damaged homes will have to go.
Another landmark hotel in Christchurch has been condemned because of earthquake damage.
The Attorney General, Chris Finlayson, says he'll reconsider funding legal representation for the families of the victims of the Christchurch earthquake.
The Attorney General, Chris Finlayson, says he'll reconsider funding legal representation for the families of the victims of the Christchurch earthquake.
A spokesperson for the families of the victims of the Christchurch earthquake says without legal representation their voice will not be heard during the Royal Commission.
In June, the Hororata hotel in Canterbury closed after it became clear there was no economic way to repair damage caused by the September earthquake.
We're joined by the mayor of Christchurch, Bob Parker.
Residents in the Christchurch suburb of Parklands say their area should be made a red-zone.
Christchurch has been rattled by a series of earthquakes with the latest measuring 5.5 on the richter scale.
Let's return to the situation in Christchurch where there have been nine earthquakes this morning, cutting power to 10 thousand homes.
A series of ten aftershocks have been ratting Christchurch this morning, with the biggest of five-point-five magnitude being widely felt just over two hours ago.
The mayor of Christchurch, Bob Parker, has admitted the city council's handling of the September 2010 earthquake was not good enough.
Some residents in orange zoned areas in Christchurch are worried the latest series of earthquakes will further delay the decision on whether they can remain in their homes.
We're joined by the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's chief executive Roger Sutton.
The Christchurch Mayor says the city council will meet with GNS scientists to get some answers about the current sequence of earthquakes, which have sparked anxiety among residents.
The Canterbury earthquake's Royal Commission has heard that the Hotel Grand Chancellor was checked for earthquake damage - and cleared for use four times prior to the February 22nd earthquake.
Witnesses before the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission have been questioned about why a building known to be earthquake prone was allowed to reopen, despite several red flags.
After a damning report into the CTV building, how many other Christchurch buildings had faults when the earthquake struck? Police investigate the tragic death of a five year old and when so many businesses are struggling, how did the country's big banks increase profits by a quarter?
An inquiry ordered by the Government has found the CTV building which failed massively in the February Christchurch earthquake did not meet building standards when it was constructed in 1986.
Rachel Graham & Bridget Mills look at Christchurch and its people a year on from the earthquake
We are here broadcasting from Christchurch, as the city remembers the devastating earthquake that claimed 185 lives, and forever changed the city for those who survived.
Animals have also suffered upheaval because of the Christchurch earthquakes. Jan Collins is one of those caring for some the hundreds of pets who have been left homeless because of the earthquakes.
Today, the nation marks a year since the 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch.
The Christchurch City Council has admitted it failed to provide a second line of defence in checks on a building that killed a woman during last February's earthquake.
Some Christchurch residents say the Christchurch City Council has been too slow to resolve the threat of rock fall to their homes, and they now hope the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority will take over the job.
While many businesses in Christchurch are still struggling to get back on their feet after over a year of earthquakes, car sales, including many luxury models, are booming.
Canterbury may have a regional holiday to mark the anniversary of the Christchurch Earthquake.
High School students in Christchurch have defied the odds and the ongoing disruption caused by the earthquakes and achieved better marks in last year's NCEA than students in the rest of the country.