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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Kim Hill talks to Sam Crofskey, the owner of C1 Espresso in the Christchurch CBD, which reopened in 2012 after the Canterbury earthquakes and will celebrate its twentieth anniversary this year. He spoke on the WORD Christchurch panel, How Are We Doing, Christchurch?, and this week launched Let's Take a Walk, a pop-up book for children about the quakes that he created with his wife Fleur and illustrator Hannah Beehre. He is joined by Joseph Hullen (Ngai Tuahuriri, Ngai Tahu), a hunter gatherer, fisherman, explorer, kaitiaki and storyteller who has spent a lifetime gathering traditional kai and listening to stories about his hapu. He is a whakapapa researcher for Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, and is leading three sold-out walking tours during WORD Christchurch along the banks of the Otakaro (Avon River), uncovering the city's history.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

In half an hour, the first passenger train since the devastating Kaikoura earthquake will depart Picton for Christchurch. The 7.8 earthquake that struck the region in 2016 ripped up much of the scenic Coastal Pacific railway - sweeping kilometres of tracks out to sea and buried beneath slips. The rebuild of the railway line has taken two years and the efforts of nearly 1700 workers. Todd Moyle is KiwiRail's acting chief executive. He talks to Susie Ferguson.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Christchurch has a big bill to contend with, if it still wants the multi-use stadium that's been in the works since the earthquakes 11 years ago. The problem-plagued project has blown out another $150 million, meaning it's going to cost $680 million and counting. The finish date's been pushed out too - to April 2026. Christchurch City Council's punting the hefty decision making back to the ratepayers. The options - increase the budget, scale back the project, or halt work altogether. Tessa Guest reports, and Crusaders CEO Colin Mansbridge talks to Lisa Owen.

Audio, UC QuakeStudies

An audio recording of a mayoral debate hosted by Generation Zero in partnership with 350 Christchurch. The event was titled Mayoral Debate: a climate-smart Christchurch. It was held on campus at the University of Canterbury on Thursday 22 September, 2016 and was moderated by Catarina Gutierrez of the Ministry of Awesome. The debate was structured as follows: Section 1: Candidates answered set questions sent prior to the event Section 2: Candidates answered set questions they have not seen before Interval Section 3: Candidates answered written questions from the audience (climate-related questions were submitted during the interval and a selection of these were given to the moderator). The audio recording was taken through the University's Echo system.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The only Christchurch street still closed following the 2011 earthquake will reopen later in 2018 only to close again in 2019 so the council can extend the route for the tram. The proposal has raised the ire of fledgling businesses along High st worried about the disruption the road works will cause them and wanting the work done now, before they open their doors to the public.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Ravenscar House Museum holds an extraordinary, previously private art collection. The new building has been gifted to Christchurch by art collectors Susan Wakefield and her late husband Jim. The art remains in the ownership of the Ravenscar Trust.  Artists in the collection include Colin McCahon, Bill Sutton and Frances Hodgkins. The treasures were previously in the Wakefield's Christchurch home which suffered irreparable earthquake damage. They're now displayed in the purpose-designed and built Ravenscar House Museum in the city's Arts precinct. The story of the art and artefacts is told in in the book - Ravenscar House: A Biography, written by Christchurch journalist and writer Sally Blundell.  

Audio, Radio New Zealand

It's seven years today since Christchurch was rocked by the magnitude 6.3 earthquake. It killed 185 people, injured thousands more and led to whole suburbs and most of the central city being demolished. Seven years on, the rebuild is still underway and some residents are still struggling to get the repairs they want.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Protecting live music venues is taking on a new urgency in Christchurch, with the popular 12 Bar announcing it will close at the end of the month. With people flocking back to live in the central city after the earthquakes, there have been more complaints about noise from entertainment venues. But the local music scene says positive changes are in the works, so residents and live venues can live in harmony. Niva Chittock reports.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Now have you ever wished you could play some cricket in the house on a rainy day? Well for one Christchurch family that dream's become a reality. Glenn Bongartz, with the help of his architect, upgraded his earthquake rebuild to feature a cricket wicket in the attic of the house. Glenn told Jimmy Ellingham how they did it.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

As the nation prepares for lockdown, Christchurch's leaders says their city is prepared. Over the past ten years Christchurch has dealt with it's fair share of crisis, from earthquakes, Port Hills fires, the March 15 terror attacks, flooding, and a gas explosion. While Covid-19 has a global impact, some Cantabrians say their past experience will help them get through. Eleisha Foon reports.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A review of the week's news including: Christchurch's emergency operation moves from rescue to recovery, two minutes' silence observed nationwide, government announces aid package, Finance Minister outlines cost of quake, a fifth of Christchurch population has fled, inquiry launched into collapse of damaged buildings, many Christchurch schools remain closed and some of their pupils enrol elsewhere, students and farmers roll up their sleeves to help quake victims, rescuers tell stories of survival, hundreds of Wellington buildings expected not to meet earthquake safety standards and time capsule discovered under statue of Christchurch founding father

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Prime Minister Chris Hipkins today announced an additional three hundred and one million dollar boost for the rebuild of earthquake damaged Christchurch schools, and said the programme in Christchurch may be a template for repairing flood damaged schools in the North Island. Some schools are still waiting to be repaired more than a decade after the devastating quakes. On his first visit to Christchurch since becoming Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins visited one of the schools still in the midst of its rebuild process, and to celebrate the progress being made. Our reporter Rachel Graham and videographer Nate McKinnon went along.