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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Many Christchurch residents have used shipping containers and other temporary structures to store belongings in while repairs were carried out after the earthquakes. But the Christchurch City Council says it's had an increase in complaints from residents about containers and other temporary structures obscuring neighbours' views or obstructing council berms. Chairman of the council's regulation and consents committee David East says if earthquake repairs are completed, the container may have to go.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A school pool, a BMX bike club and a music school are among twenty organisations in Christchurch that have benefitted from the final grants from an international appeal for re-building the quake-damaged city. The Christchurch Earthquake Appeal has so far raised almost 100 million dollars, and as our reporter Teresa Cowie discovered, the latest 8 million dollars that's been released from the fund is giving a welcome boost to residents.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Gerry Brownlee is the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister. Hugo Kristinsson is a South Brighton resident who stood for mayor last year on the issue of flood risk and land damage. David Stringer is the spokesperson for the community lobby group Insurance Watch - which has been seeking answers from the council since 2011 about the flood risk to the city. Nine to Noon speaks with all three about the recent flooding in Christchurch.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A new office building in central Christchurch has multiple flaws in its earthquake design that the city council was warned about almost two years ago. Construction of the seven-storey building above the busy shopping precinct at 230 High Street, continued even after those warnings in December 2017. Three leading engineering firms have found critical faults - the latest are detailed in a Government-ordered report that's been leaked to RNZ. Phil Pennington joins Corin Dann with the details.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Christchurch artist Mike Beer creates miniature models of Christchurch buildings that were lost in the Canterbury earthquakes. Through these tiny models Mike hopes to remind people of the buildings that once shaped the city - and bring back the feelings and memories associated with them. Mike, who goes by the name Ghostcat, says It's all about the connections people have with a time, and place. His models are to be displayed at Fiksate Gallery in Christchuch from April 9.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A Christchurch woman whose mother died in the 2011 earthquake says an apology from the Christchurch mayor Lianne Dalziel does not lessen her grief. Yesterday - nine years and one day since the quake killed 185 people - Dalziel invited their families for a private apology. She acknowledged errors made by engineers and the city council in regards to the CTV building. Julie Hibbs lost her mother in the collapse of the building. She speaks to Susie Ferguson.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Gaylene Preston has been making feature films and documentaries with a distinctive NZ flavour for over 30 years. Her latest venture is an epic six part drama series called Hope and Wire, which she produced and directed. Set in Christchurch in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes, Hope and Wire is a fictionalised mix of characters - families that fly apart, others that come together - and what happens to a city that loses it's centre in an instant.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Topics - Eight days on from the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that killed at least 161 people in Christchurch, officials have announced that the rescue effort will now transition to a recovery operation. Dunedin shares the nation's sorrow for Christchurch - but the ODT reports today that it could also benefit from an influx of workers and businesses relocating from the Garden City. Some Christchurch landlords have been labelled opportunistic vultures for ramping up rents for homeless businesses trying to find temporary office space.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Sam Harvey says that holding on to grace is one of the things that keeps him striving towards his calling to help others. He's a young pastor of the Beach Campus of Grace Vineyard Church in Christchurch, and moved to the city on the eve of the first earthquake. Sonia Sly finds out what it takes to adhere to the faith during difficult times, and candidly asks about God's voice, New Zealand's attitude to Christianity, and the process of healing through exorcism.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A prominent Christchurch property investor says the Government's anchor projects meant to help rebuild the city faster, has instead slowed it down. After the 2011 earthquake, the Government launched a recovery plan for the CBD, which had 16 anchor projects designed to spur on the rebuild. However, many have been plagued by delays and are still unfinished. Property investor Antony Gough told RNZ reporter Anan Zaki that unlike the Government, it was the private sector which ploughed ahead with the rebuild.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Some of Christchurch's earthquake damaged red-zone land is another step closer to having some long term decisions made about its future. Today the Minister of Greater Christchurch Regeneration, Megan Woods, formally handed over ownership of 70 hectares of land to the Christchurch City Council. The land gifted to the council is in the coastal suburbs of Southshore, South Brighton and Brooklands, where residents have been waiting almost a decade to find out what the future holds for their area. Rachel Graham reports

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Christchurch has its own social superhero and he's gone cap in hand to the council for funding. The self-styled lycra-clad superhero, known only at 'Flat Man', has been dropping care packages to people since the 2011 Canterbury earthquake. He also wants to be able to help schoolkids and anxious and stressed residents through their troubles. And to do this, he's now asking the Christchurch City Council for funding. He joins us now, and says "a cape is a must".

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Christchurch City Council has confirmed the demolition of the earthquake-damaged Lancaster Park sports stadium will begin this year. Lancaster Park Cricket club was one of the sports ground's first tenants when it was established in 1881. An act of parliament means the ground has to be used for sport and recreation. "We're certainly looking foward to being able to get back on the ground and for it to be turned back into green space," Ric Horsfall from the cricket club says.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Our programme this morning is completely devoted to the aftermath of yesterday's Christchurch earthquake. Civil Defence says rescue teams in Christchurch are still recovering people alive who have been trapped in buildings in the city overnight. The emergency department at Christchurch Hospital is extremely busy with many seriously injured people. After an emergency cabinet meeting yesterday, the Prime Minister flew to Christchurch to view the aftermath of the quake first hand. Numerous stories, some of survival, others more tragic are emerging in the aftermath of the quake.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Alps and ranges around New Zealand are now laden with snow yet while most of us are hunkering down and keeping warm, some in Canterbury are still having to get on within a broken city following this year's earlier devastating earthquakes. Bryan began by speaking to Major Mike Allwright of the Salvation Army and followed up with Lyttleton musician Lindon Puffin. Bryan also spoke to Christine Parker from the Eastern suburb of Aranui and Regina Nyadani who lives in central Christchurch with her family.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A review of the week's news including: Prosecutions against thirteen of the seventeen people arrested in police raids in the Ureweras and elsewhere are dropped, the Christchurch earthquake one year on, health officials take expert advice on containing a deadly meningitis outbreak in Northland, a group of Dunedin volunteers are making a photographic record of thousands of the city's old gravestones, more Kiwis will have their calls monitored by researchers at Victoria University and DOC and an enthusiastic Rugby World Cup welcome Tongan style.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Construction delays and cost over-runs are prolonging the earthquake risks facing patients and staff at Christchurch hospital. Six major hospital buildings at the central city site have been listed as earthquake prone since May, but there is no safer space to shift patients into. Christchurch Hospital boss David Meates pron; Mates says the hospital is still basically a construction site. One earthquake prone building has roof tanks containing 75 tonnes of water. Mr Meates told RNZ reporter Phil Pennington removing the water from the tanks in the meantime is not an option.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

We're broadcasting today from Christchurch on the second anniversary of the six point three magnitude earthquake which devastated this city. One hundred and eighty five died in the quake and today at midday a memorial service will be held in Latimer Square. After two years, the pace of the rebuild is growing, but for some, so is frustration. More than seven thousand property owners in the residential red zone received a buyout offer from the government. Most of those have taken it - but there are a few who haven't.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A review of the week's news including: Last frantic days of Election '11, a High Court judge refuses to rule on the "teacup tape", 2,000 attend Pike River Mine ceremony on first anniversary of explosions, former Pike River employee tells Royal Commission he warned of explosion "at any time", record numbers of New Zealanders heading to Australia, operation to remove containers from Rena battles high winds, Christchurch people to walk through city centre for first time since February's earthquake and Takamore case heads back to High Court.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Chaos predicted with switch in give way rules, The first GST increase in 21 years comes into force at midnight tonight, Villages around Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga are today remembering the day one year ago when lives, homes and businesses were destroyed by a deadly tsunami , One of Auckland most distinctive local bodies has made an emotional exit one month before the creation of the new super city, The Law Society has added its voice to condemnation the government is giving itself far too much power by passing the emergency Canterbury earthquake legislation.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

At 12.51pm it will be 10 years since a devastating 6.2 earthquake struck Ōtautahi Christchurch, bringing down buildings and killing 185 people. A National service will get underway at half-past-12 at the city's Canterbury Earthquake Memorial site, to mark the anniversary. Maurice Gardiner's sister, Donna Manning, died in the CTV building collapse. Mr Gardiner told Māni Dunlop that at the Avonhead Cemetery this morning, he and his family joined others who have whānau buried there for a private service, where they remembered those they lost 10 years ago.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Its budget may have blown out by almost a third more than the original figure, but this weekend the doors to the Christchurch Town Hall will re-open for the first time since the 2011 earthquakes. It was touch and go whether the 47 year-old building would even be repaired after the 6.2 quake eight years ago today. 167-million-dollars later and the city is finally getting its town hall back. Conan Young was allowed inside for a sneak peak ahead of Saturday's official opening.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Christchurch has a big bill to contend with, if it still wants the multi-use stadium that's been in the works since the earthquakes 11 years ago. The problem-plagued project has blown out another $150 million, meaning it's going to cost $680 million and counting. The finish date's been pushed out too - to April 2026. Christchurch City Council's punting the hefty decision making back to the ratepayers. The options - increase the budget, scale back the project, or halt work altogether. Tessa Guest reports, and Crusaders CEO Colin Mansbridge talks to Lisa Owen.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A Christchurch primary school is moving into its permanent new home today, nine years after cliffs behind it collapsed during the city's earthquakes. Redcliffs School subsequently moved to a temporary location in the suburb of Sumner, but the new location will mean the school will return home to Redcliffs, after a land swap with the local park. The move comes after in 2016, the then National Government, overturned its own decision to close the school. Christchurch reporter Anan Zaki spoke to principal Rose McInerney ahead of today's move.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Topics - it's been described as the 'Downton Effect' - a revival of more formal dinner parties as the British try to bring back fine dining. Today we learned that insurance companies have completed just 15 per cent of rebuilds and 10 per cent of over-cap repairs more than three years after the Canterbury earthquakes. A series of rallies are being held in five Australian cities today by New Zealanders protesting against legislation which denies them rights to welfare. Commuters are cautiously optimistic about a radical revamp proposed for Wellington's rush-hour rail service.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Little is known about The Wizard of New Zealand who took centre stage in Christchurch's Cathedral Square from the 70s until the Christchurch earthquakes in 2011, which saw the city in a state of disrepair. A man who challenged political, social and cultural ideology, The Wizard posed provocative questions in this public space, much to the delight, and sometimes dismay, of passersby. But the background to why The Wizard was there in the first place has been something of a mystery... until now. Sonia Yee finds out more in this episode of Eyewitness.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Mike Rutledge and zoologist Meg Selby are new owners of Nelson's Natureland Zoo and a mob of meerkats, an African porcupine, and a menagerie of native birds and farm animals. The Orana Wildlife Trust took over the care of the Tahunanui zoo in 2008, but the financial strain caused by the Canterbury earthquakes has been too much. The zoo has been around since 1966. The Nelson City Council, which owns the land, called for expressions of interest last year when Orana decided to pull out and Meg and Mike got the nod. They will be taking over in November.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

As the search for victims continues and the long recovery from Tuesday's disastrous earthquake in Christchurch begins there've been suggestions the stricken city's rugby world cup matches could be transferred to Australia. We hear from Rugby World Cup 2011's chief executive Martin Snedden, who says that's not the case. We look at the second round of Super Rugby, and hear from the Olympic 1500 metres silver medalist Nick Willis who's hoping his belated medal presentation will boost effort to raise money for Christchurch earthquake relief funds. And we also talk to a veteran Black Sticks defender who's quit international hockey.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Paul Millar, associate professor at Canterbury University, is concerned that future generations won't have access to the full picture of the Canterbury earthquakes, so he got the CEISMIC Project under way. The project is an archive of earthquake-related digital material and includes resources from the National Library, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, Christchurch City Libraries, Te Papa, NZ On Screen, the Canterbury Museum and the Ngai Tahu Research Centre. Paul says the aim is to document the impact of the disaster and the process of recovery, and make all that material available for free.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Dire predictions about the death of books and of publishing in this country with the advent of e-books and the amalgamation of big publishing houses have proved to be way off the mark. One of the standout publishers to have emerged is Wellington's BWB - Bridget Williams' Books - with its focus on New Zealand non-fiction and championing of the topical essay. Titles in their popular BWB text series include The New Zealand Project by Max Harris, Holly Walker's The Whole Intimate Mess, and Antibiotic Resistance by Dr Siouxsie Wiles. Their latest publications include The Expatriates by expat Martin Edmond, and Paul Gorman's take on the Canterbury Earthquakes - Portacom City.