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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Residents will find out today if they can remain, or if they'll have to leave their homes. With guests Pam Harrison, a Dallington resident who expects she'll have to abandon her home; Leanne Curtis, CanCERN spokesperson and Avonside resident; and David Middleton, former Chief Executive of the Earthquake Commission for 17 years.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Salvation Army has been helping earthquake victims find food and shelter, as well as providing support to distraught and fearful people around Christchurch. Chris talked to Major Campbell Roberts, who is co-ordinating the Sallie's national response.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

One of the great community initiative's in Canterbury is the Rangiora Earthquake Express - where urgent help is still needed. These Rangiora volunteers have been up and running for sometime now, with daily runs into the Christchurch suburbs most desperately in need of water and other essential supplies.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The collapse of the Christchurch Cathedral during the devastating earthquake of February the 22nd struck a powerful blow to the core of Canterbury and New Zealand as a whole.