Ruth Gardner's Blog 05/08/2013: Neither window nor wall
Articles, UC QuakeStudies
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 5 August 2013 entitled, "Neither window nor wall".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 5 August 2013 entitled, "Neither window nor wall".
A PDF copy of four hospital window hoarding designs. The images read, "Shown a mate you care lately?", "When did you last have a good boogie?", "Tried something a little different lately?" and "When was your last moment of wonder?".
A PDF copy of four hospital window hoarding designs. The images read, "Welcome to the Princess Margaret Hospital," "Your aroha really helps," "Reception straight ahead," and "When did you last share kai with the whanau?".
A PDF copy of pages 106-107 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'COCA Windows Project'. Photos: Ed Lust, Chloe Geoghegan. With permission: COCA Gallery.
A photograph showing a window in a 'red zoned' home in Dallington, Christchurch following the February 2011 earthquake.
A document which describes SCIRT's Geographic Information System (GIS) Viewer.
The first stone structure built in Cathedral Square was the small Gothic stone Torlesse building. Situated in the south-west corner of the square, the two storey, three gable dormer windowed buildi…
Early photographs are the best. They encompass everything from the utterly absurd to the momentous to the mundane. They provide us with a window into the past that is rare and wonderful (especially from an archaeological perspective), putting faces to … Continue reading →