Work Notices in a business community
Articles, UC QuakeStudies
An example of a tool SCIRT has used to communicate its projects to the business community.
An example of a tool SCIRT has used to communicate its projects to the business community.
An example of a tool SCIRT has used to communicate its projects to a community.
A series of communication updates provided by SCIRT's Downer Delivery Team to the Christchurch City Council. These updates detailed the progress of the Arch and Bridge restoration. The updates were produced between 28 June 2013 and 8 September 2015.
A PDF copy of an article written by All Right? that featured in CERA's Greater Christchurch Recovery Update - Issue 29 (February 2014). The article is titled "Award-winning Canterbury campaign attracts international attention" and discusses the attention All Right? has received from Huffington Post, Australian Red Cross and the United Nations.
Object Overview for 'Updated probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for the Canterbury region (Stirling et al, 2007) and Updated probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for the Canterbury region: addendum report (Stirling et al, 2008)'.
An entry from Sue Davidson's blog for 16 February 2013 entitled, "Updated artists list".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 28 September 2010 entitled, "Earthquake Update 28/9".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 1 August 2013 entitled, "Ecclesiastical Update".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 1 March 2013 entitled, "Ecclesiastical Update".
A pdf copy of an update newsletter from One Voice Te Reo Kotahi.
An entry from Jennifer Middendorf's blog for 23 February 2011 entitled, "Quick update".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 11 April 2013 entitled, "April Ecclesiastical Update".
The Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre's "Community Earthquake Update" bulletin, published on Wednesday 15 June 2011.
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 25 September 2010 entitled, "Quake Update 25/9".
Object overview for 'Updated probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for the Canterbury region: addendum report'.
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 7 September 2010 entitled, "Earthquake Update".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 24 September 2010 entitled, "Earthquake Update 24/9".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 16 September 2010 entitled, "Earthquake Update 16/9".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 20 September 2010 entitled, "Earthquake update 20/9".
A blog post from Moya Sherriff with an update on activity at the Canterbury Cultural Collections Recovery Centre. This blog post was downloaded on 18 November 2014.
The Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre's "Community Earthquake Update" bulletin, published on Friday 1 July 2011.
An entry from Deborah Fitchett's blog for 24 September 2010, posted to Livejournal. The entry is titled, "In which she updates".The entry was downloaded on 14 April 2015.
An entry from Deborah Fitchett's blog for 24 September 2010, posted to Dreamwidth. The entry is titled, "In which she updates".The entry was downloaded on 17 April 2015.
The Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre's "Community Earthquake Update" bulletin, published on Friday 24 June 2011.
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "18-Feb 2014 Update".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "Valuing TSOs Project update".
The Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre's "Community Earthquake Update" bulletin, published on Friday 12 August 2011.
A news item titled, "Parks and Reserves Update September 2011", published on the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre's website on Friday, 23 September 2011.
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "CCC Long Term Plan Update".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "UPDATED forum location and other announcements".