Asset Owner's Representative Role Description - Water Supply
Articles, UC QuakeStudies
An example of a paper which explains the role of an Asset Owner's Representative - Water Supply at SCIRT.
An example of a paper which explains the role of an Asset Owner's Representative - Water Supply at SCIRT.
An entry from Deborah Fitchett's blog for 26 February 2011, posted to Dreamwidth. The entry is titled, "In which she recharges her supply of cope".The entry was downloaded on 17 April 2015.
An entry from Deborah Fitchett's blog for 26 February 2011, posted to Livejournal. The entry is titled, "In which she recharges her supply of cope".The entry was downloaded on 14 April 2015.
A paper which details earthquake expectation data, supplied to SCIRT by GNS Science.
A document created in 2011, demonstrating the design parameters for the rebuild of wastewater, storm water, water supply and roading in the central city.
A document outlining how the rebuild of wastewater, water supply, storm water and roading infrastructure was to be managed and coordinated with other programmes of work in the central city.