Resilience Examples in Reservoirs, Pump Stations and Pipelines - Lessons L…
Articles, UC QuakeStudies
A paper prepared for the Water New Zealand 2014 conference which considers resilience lessons for reservoirs, pump stations and pipelines.
A paper prepared for the Water New Zealand 2014 conference which considers resilience lessons for reservoirs, pump stations and pipelines.
Building Record Form for Timeball Station, 2 Reserve Terrace, Lyttelton.
The opening of the Christchurch City and Sumner stations marks the end of a multi-million-dollar earthquake rebuild programme.
Register Record for the former Lyttelton Fire Station, 2 Sumner Road, Lyttelton.
Registration Proposal for the former Lyttelton Fire Station, 2 Sumner Road, Lyttelton.
Building Record Forms for Mt Pleasant Station Stables, 31 Onuku Road, Akaroa
Building Record Form for the former Christchurch Railway Station, 392 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch.
A pdf copy of a PowerPoint presentation prepared for the Australia New Zealand Geotechnical Engineering Conference.
A paper prepared for the Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 44, no. 4, December 2011.
A paper prepared for the Ozwater 2013 conference detailing the story of the damage to, and subsequent repair of, Huntsbury Reservoir.
A pdf copy of a PowerPoint presentation prepared for the Ozwater 2013 conference detailing the story of the damage to, and subsequent repair of, Huntsbury Reservoir.
A PDF copy of pages 46-47 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Central Station: Temporary Bus Exchange'. Photo: Tim Church. With permission: Christchurch City Council.
A written history of 156-160 Lichfield Street, a former fire station.
Tiny British-made locomotive engines first began chugging between Ferrymead’s Wharf on the estuary and the city on December 1st, 1863. This was New Zealand’s first public railway line, …
By Our Special Reporter Yesterday morning I was at the Christchurch railway station with the intention of going to Port by the five minutes to eight train, in order to meet Mr Rudyard Kipling, who …
A document outlining the methodology for rebuilding horizontal infrastructure in the central city, covering wastewater (local reticulation and trunk), wastewater pump stations, storm water (local reticulation and trunk), potable water, roads, and bridges.