
found 14 results

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

Sometimes we come across such a spectacular artefact, that we are inspired to look a little deeper into the historical industry from which it was used. The discovery of a charcoal clothes iron got me thinking about the domestic lives … Continue reading →

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A plan which proactively addresses the risk of fraud and lays out the actions that SCIRT will take when any suspected fraud is reported or discovered. The first version of this plan was produced on 12 February 2014.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A document which explains the pre-approval process for specialist lining contractors working on the SCIRT horizontal repair programme.This document has had sections removed and redacted to protect contractors' commercial interests.For a current list of approved contractors authorised to carry out lining works on Christchurch City Council assets, contact the Council.