A dissertation submitted by Cameron McLeod in fulfilment of an Honours degree in Diplomacy, covering community response and recovery in Lyttelton following the Canterbury Earthquakes. Dissertation supervised by Dr Bronwyn Hayward, University of Canterbury School of Social and Political Sciences.
This study compiled and tabulated all relevant available information on earthquake sources (active faults) in Canterbury and mapped the fault locations onto 1:50,000 or 1:250,000 overlays on topographic maps (later digitised into the Environment Canterbury active faults database). The study also reviewed information on historic earthquakes, instrumental seismicity and paleoseismic studies and identified information gaps. It recommended an approach for a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and development of earthquake scenarios. See Object Overview for background and usage information.
This study led on from Earthquake hazard and risk assessment study Stage 1 Part A: Earthquake source identification and characterisation (Pettinga et al, 1998). It used the location and characteristics of active faults in the Canterbury region, and the historic record of earthquakes to estimate levels of ground shaking (MM intensity, peak ground acceleration and spectral accelerations) across Canterbury for different return periods. The study also provided earthquake scenarios for selected towns and cities in Canterbury, and undertook detailed investigations into the largest historic earthquakes in Christchurch and parts of the Canterbury region. See Object Overview for background and usage information.