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Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A paper submitted by Andrew Moore in partial fulfilment of the degree of Bachelor of Music with Honours, covering the effects of the Canterbury earthquakes on the musical life of Christchurch. Dissertation supervised by Dr Elaine Dobson, University of Canterbury School of Music. All photographs from The Press are copyright Fairfax Media and are used with permission.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of an ad that appeared in the Christchurch Art Gallery magazine Bulletin in Winter 2013. The image depicts an 'All Rightie' listening to music and dancing alongside Rita Angus' well-known painting 'Cass'. The image reads, "Had a good boogie lately?".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of eight posters promoting the Five Ways to Wellbeing at local libraries. Each poster directs its viewer to explore a section of the library by encouraging them to reflect on different hobbies and interests, for example cooking, painting, exercise, reading or music. The first poster reads, "Want a tasty recipe for the whanau? Good food tastes even better with the ones we love. For recipe books check out 641.5!".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of eight posters promoting the Five Ways to Wellbeing at local libraries. Each poster directs its viewer to explore a section of the library by encouraging them to reflect on different hobbies and interests, for example cooking, painting, exercise, reading or music. The first poster reads, "Want a tasty recipe for the whanau? Good food tastes even better with the ones we love. For recipe books check out 641.5!". This set of posters differs from the other sets of library posters in that the poster that reads, "When did you last really rock out?" contains the Fregal logo.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of eight posters promoting the Five Ways to Wellbeing at local libraries. Each poster directs its viewer to explore a section of the library by encouraging them to reflect on different hobbies and interests, for example cooking, painting, exercise, reading or music. The first poster reads, "Want a tasty recipe for the whanau? Good food tastes even better with the ones we love. For recipe books check out 641.5!". This set of posters differs from the other sets of library posters in that the poster encouraging reading is captioned, "Check out our Fiction section to find your next great read!" and the poster encouraging dancing is captioned, "For books on dance, check out 792.8".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of two advertisement designs from the All Right? campaign, encouraging people to connect and be active. The first image depicts three 'All Righties' catching up over cakes and reads, "When did you last really catch up? Quality time with good friends can be the best medicine." The second image depicts an 'All Rightie' listening to music and dancing and reads, "Had a good boogie lately? Everyone needs to let their hair down now and then." The images were from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign, promoting the Five Ways to Wellbeing. The Five Ways to Wellbeing is a simple, evidence-based approach to improving wellbeing, promoted by the Mental Health Foundation.