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Articles, UC QuakeStudies

An example of the five year rebuild schedule map created as part of the prioritisation process detailing where and when construction would start. The data behind this map was updated every quarter.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of the site map for Canterbury Tales. Canterbury Tales was the main event of FESTA 2013; a carnivalesque procession through the central city, led by Free Theatre Christchurch. Sculptural installations and performances were part of the procession, which started at the Bridge of Remembrance and ended in Cathedral Square.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of the site map for CityUps. CityUps was a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014. It was held on vacant sites at the intersection of Lichfield Street, Manchester Street and High Street. Architecture students from Unitec, The University of Auckland and CPIT collaborated with local businesses to create large-scale, temporary structures to entertain the public.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of the map created for AWA Trails. It shows each of the four trails, the location of each of the twenty five spots to discover and the expected time to walk each track. The maps were available to download from the All Right? website.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

Stage IV of the Christchurch liquefaction study updated the Stage II liquefaction hazard and ground damage maps with further data collected from other organisations, and included two additional maps indicating liquefaction sensitivity to groundwater levels. Stage IVa of the Christchurch liquefaction study used revised groundwater levels and adjustments to the liquefaction prediction algorithm. The outputs of the report were liquefaction hazard and ground damage maps for both average summer (low) and average winter (high) groundwater levels. The maps produced as part of Stage IVa of the report were subsequently included in an Environment Canterbury public education poster The Solid Facts on Christchurch Liquefaction which also contained information on how liquefaction occurs and what can be done to mitigate the liquefaction hazard. Stage IV of the Christchurch liquefaction study contained a number of recommendations to improve the liquefaction potential and ground damage maps for Christchurch. See Object Overview for background and usage information.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This study compiled and tabulated all relevant available information on earthquake sources (active faults) in Canterbury and mapped the fault locations onto 1:50,000 or 1:250,000 overlays on topographic maps (later digitised into the Environment Canterbury active faults database). The study also reviewed information on historic earthquakes, instrumental seismicity and paleoseismic studies and identified information gaps. It recommended an approach for a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and development of earthquake scenarios. See Object Overview for background and usage information.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of the FESTA 2012 programme. The programme includes a site map of FESTA events and projects, and key information about each one. It is designed to fold out into a poster.