Communication Leadership Group - Charter
Articles, UC QuakeStudies
A document that outlines objectives and ways of working collaboratively, which team members signed to show their commitment.
A document that outlines objectives and ways of working collaboratively, which team members signed to show their commitment.
A flyer which was attached to an email inviting people to the Humaneers action learning group.
A runsheet created for the SCIRT and New Zealand Red Cross humaneers action learning group.
A document which details the structure, roles and terms of reference for the Client Governance Group (CGG).
A document which sets out the terms of reference for SCIRT's Safety Leadership Group.
A document providing an overview of the SCIRT Communication Team, including its purpose, objectives and decision-making processes.
A paper which outlines the purpose and planned outcomes of the SCIRT Training Forum group.
A flowchart outlining the structure and organisation of the UC Strategic Emergency Management Group and UC Incident Management Team.
A pdf copy of a presentation delivered by Elizabeth McNaughton and Duncan Gibb at the SCIRT and New Zealand Red Cross humaneers action learning group.
A PDF document which discusses the lessons learned by the Christchurch Migrant Inter-Agency group after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The group was set up to support migrants and refugees following the February 22 earthquake in 2011, and has now been dis-established. However, the Christchurch Migrant Centre continues to co-ordinate services and help migrants settle into life in Christchurch. The purpose of the report is to provide a record of key events and responses of the group in the immediate aftermath of the February 22 earthquake, and to offer some candid discussion and insight with respect to their success or otherwise.
An entry from Deborah Fitchett's blog for 9 September 2010, posted to Dreamwidth. The entry is titled, "In which she would have preferred being in the control group".The entry was downloaded on 17 April 2015.
An entry from Deborah Fitchett's blog for 9 September 2010, posted to Livejournal. The entry is titled, "In which she would have preferred being in the control group".The entry was downloaded on 14 April 2015.
A paper which outlines what had been achieved by SCIRT's Training Team, and proposing an approach to ensure that the learnings from SCIRT be transferred to wider industry.
A diagram which illustrates the proposed structure of an industry-wide training advisory board.
A presentation prepared for the SCIRT board which outlines the need to pursue the establishment of an industry-wide training advisory board.
A document which details the agreement in September 2013 between the Government and the Christchurch City Council over governance of the horizontal infrastructure rebuild.
Christchurch locals need more time to file earthquake claims before the limitation period expires according to community groups.
Two Christchurch Scout groups say their national body is refusing to give them insurance payouts for earthquake damage.
A document which describes the establishment of the SCIRT Women in Construction (SWIC) group and its achievements.
A paper which indexes standard SCIRT details and CSS details including all SCIRT details.
A pdf copy of the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi organising group's submission on the Christchurch City Council's Long Term Plan.
A pdf copy of a presentation given by the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi organising group to the Healthy Christchurch Hui.
A pdf copy of the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi organising group's submission on the Greater Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Plan: Transition to Regeneration.
A pdf copy of feedback given by the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi organising group on the draft Christchurch City Preliminary Resilience Assessment.
A pdf copy of a presentation given by One Voice Te Reo Kotahi organising group to the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy Implementation Committee (UDSIC).
For a change of pace, a group from Underground Overground Archaeology spent last week out of the office, and out of Christchurch at the New Zealand Archaeological Association Conference on Stewart Island. The New Zealand Archaeological Association (known affectionately as … Continue reading →
A copy of the minutes from a meeting between the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), and several Christchurch residents' groups, held on 20 June 2013.
A copy of the transcript of a meeting between the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), and several Christchurch residents' groups, held on 20 June 2013.
Working in archaeology here in New Zealand we most often encounter the material remains of Māori settlement and colonisation by the British Empire in the 19th century. Groups such as the New Zealand Company and the Canterbury Association laid out … Continue reading →
A PDF copy of guidelines for qualitative research with older people in Christchurch. The focus groups were facilitated by Age Concern in February 2015, to inform the All Right? wellbeing campaign.