A PDF copy of pages 24-25 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Rekindle Furniture'. Photos: Laura Forest Photography
A PDF copy of pages 268-269 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'CCC Temporary Street Furniture'. Photos with permission: F3 Design
The magnificent, four storey Strange’s & Co Furniture Department Building was built in 1900 on the corner of Lichfield and High Streets, replacing a row of old dilapidated weatherboard sh…
A PDF copy of pages 218-219 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Out of the Box'. Photos provided by Karen Sheridan
A PDF copy of pages 294-295 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Bus Exchange Boundary Seats'. Photos with permission from Greening the Rubble