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Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A document containing examples of items provided in a folder for businesses. These are taken to the initial face-to-face meeting with business owners to discuss the impact and disruption of upcoming SCIRT rebuild works.

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

Early photographs are the best. They encompass everything from the utterly absurd to the momentous to the mundane. They provide us with a window into the past that is rare and wonderful (especially from an archaeological perspective), putting faces to … Continue reading →

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph captioned, "Nobody’s trained for this, you go to your lawyer and they can’t give you an answer because they've never faced this before, so yeah, even they are scratching around trying to find out".

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

Continuing on from our last FAQ post, here are the answers to a few more of the questions we face regularly here in Christchurch. 1)      Are you doing this for a school project? Yes, seriously. This gets asked more often … Continue reading →

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

“The degree of civilisation in a society can be judged by entering its prisons” – Fyodor Dostoevsky One of the challenges faced by any new colony is what to do with the non-conformists, renegades, and criminals. The ideal, of course, … Continue reading →