QuakeStory 726
Articles, UC QuakeStudies
A story submitted by Lyndsay Fenwick to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Lyndsay Fenwick to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Jennifer to the QuakeStories website.
An entry from Jennifer Middendorf's blog for 9 October 2010 entitled, "Dreaming of America".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "Te Whakaruruhau ki Ōtautahi Christchurch Community House".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "Forum notes - Keeping the 'Community in Mind'".
A pdf copy of a resource list for third-sector organisations.
A story submitted by Louise Swatton to the QuakeStories website.
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 10 October 2012 entitled, "A Quilt for Pippa...".
A story submitted by Ginny Larsen to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Sarah to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Mark Buckley to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Scott Thomas to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Paul Murray to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Trent Hiles to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Lynne Stewart to the QuakeStories website.
A pdf copy of an on-line form used by organisations wishing to register with One Voice Te Reo Kotahi.
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "A new brand! ..... "Third Sector Organisations" (TSOs) .....".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "Does your Organisation Need Some IT support?".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "Ensure that the story of your organisation is not lost".
A pdf copy of an update newsletter from One Voice Te Reo Kotahi.
A pdf copy of the 'Register' page of the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog.
A pdf copy of the 'About' page of the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog.
A story submitted by Sean Scully to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by John Cleaver to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by justine to the QuakeStories website.
An entry from Jennifer Middendorf's blog for 18 December 2010 entitled, "I think it's summer".
A pdf copy of an update newsletter from One Voice Te Reo Kotahi.
A story submitted by Sue-Ellen Sandilands to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Christine Wilson to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Anonymous to the QuakeStories website.