An authority granted by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, providing the authority to carry out earthquake repair work that may affect archaeological sites within the Lyttelton area.
A report which details the archaeological investigations carried out during the course of SCIRT project 11232, wastewater renewal work in Sorensens Place.
A report which details the archaeological investigations carried out during the course of SCIRT project 10952, wastewater renewal work on Tuam Street.
A report which details the archaeological investigations carried out during the course of SCIRT project 11185, water main renewal work on Manchester Street.
An authority granted by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, providing the authority to carry out earthquake repair work that may affect archaeological sites within the Christchurch City area.
A report which details the archaeological investigations carried out during the course of SCIRT projects 11115 and 11159, wastewater renewal work and storm water repair work on Ferry Road.
A document which describes SCIRT's discoveries and processes regarding archaeological finds on worksites.
A report which details the archaeological monitoring carried out during the course of SCIRT project 11136, repairs to the Gloucester Street bridge.