Beware the darkness, children, for there be monsters We love to characterise the dark as something to be feared, the territory of nightmares, of ghouls and ghosts and things that go bump. In our collective psyche it belongs to the … Continue reading →
A web story about the return of the stone lions to the Memorial Arch.
A research project which presents the traffic and transport planning that has been undertaken to achieve the overarching goal of rebuilding Christchurch, whilst keeping the traffic moving.
A paper which outlines the observed damage to Christchurch City Council-owned retaining walls and the repair solutions developed.
A paper which outlines SCIRT's approach to asset assessment, design and repair of damaged retaining walls, and presents a case study of a retaining wall rebuild, on Cunningham Terrace, Lyttelton.
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 21 August 2015 entitled, "Sociology of the City {Part 2(4) Sociology 355}".The entry was downloaded on 2 November 2016.
A tool, in the form of an A5 card, given to workshop and toolbox participants, outlining five easy steps to minimise the impact of roadworks on businesses.
A tool, in the form of a poster, given to workshop and toolbox participants and hung up at worksites and in offices, outlining five easy steps to minimise the impact of roadworks on businesses.
A tool, including an outline, resources and a survey sheet, used by SCIRT's Transport Planning Manager when delivering a series of toolboxes to SCIRT traffic staff about working around businesses.
A tool, including an outline, resources and a survey sheet, used by the SCIRT Communication Team when delivering a series of toolboxes to SCIRT subcontractors about working around businesses.
A tool, including an outline and run sheet, used by the SCIRT Communication Team when delivering a series of workshops to SCIRT engineers about working around businesses.
A tool, in the form of a poster, given to workshop and toolbox participants and hung up at worksites and in offices, outlining five easy steps to minimise the impact of roadworks on businesses.
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 24 September 2015 entitled, "Sociology of the City {Part 4(4) Sociology 355}".The entry was downloaded on 2 November 2016.
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 8 August 2015 entitled, "Sociology of the City {part 1(4) Sociology 355}".The entry was downloaded on 2 November 2016.
“Christchurch people of the younger generations and strangers to the city who wander among the ordered prettinesses of the Christchurch Botanical Gardens, and pace along the pleasant winding paths …
Earlier this year, we excavated a site on Armagh Street that revealed not only a large quantity of artefacts, but also a historical and material narrative set in the swampy bowels of a fledgling city, a tale of politics, commerce, … Continue reading →
Late in 2014 we were contacted by contractors working on a rebuild project in Christchurch’s city centre. It was reported that a number of bottles had been uncovered during routine earthworks and the area cordoned off until our arrival. The bottles … Continue reading →
In last week’s blog post, we talked about the use of light in Christchurch’s city streets and public spaces, from oil lamps to gas lights to electricity in the early 20th century. This week, we step out of the street and … Continue reading →