A pdf copy of panel 1 of Guy Frederick's 'The Space Between Words' exhibition. The panel includes text from an interview with Meredith Dyer about her experiences of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Above this is an image of Dyer sitting on a path in the Botanical Gardens.
“Christchurch people of the younger generations and strangers to the city who wander among the ordered prettinesses of the Christchurch Botanical Gardens, and pace along the pleasant winding paths …
If you walk along the Avon River by Cashel Street you might catch a glimpse of the small gondolas taking their fares for a leisurely punt through the city and botanical gardens. Today this attraction is aimed largely at tourists, … Continue reading →
A PDF copy of pages 58-59 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Port-A-Loos on the Pine Mound'. Photo: Elizabeth Peacock