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Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a 'chapbook' featuring selected writings of "some of Canterbury's most exciting young writers, aged 10-15 years". The booklet was created for the WORD Christchurch Writers and Readers Festival 2014 with the support of All Right?, The School for Young Writers, Christchurch City Libraries, and WORD Christchurch.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A copy of a letter from Hugo Kristinsson which was sent to Roger Sutton on 19 September 2013. The letter was sent on behalf of Empowered Christchurch. In the letter, Kristinsson expresses his concern about changes to the Building Act which he states, 'waive liability for the Building Consent Authority when repairs are carried out on homes with land damage'. He also discusses the CERA community forums, which he feel are not fufilling their purpose of supporting and informing the Canterbury community. Lastly, Kristinsson lodges an Official Information Act request, asking for all forum notices and minutes to be released to the public and for access to land information to be provided.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A copy of a letter from Hugo Kristinsson which was sent to Helen Beaumont, Manager of the Natural Environment and Heritage Unit at the Christchurch City Council, on 17 June 2014. The letter was sent on behalf of Empowered Christchurch. It is about legislation which, according to Kristinsson, determines land below the mean high water spring to be public land. Kristinsson is concerned that this legislation will cause 'hundred or even thousands' of people to lose their assets. He urges the Council to 'have the land surveyed and to redefine the CMA [Crown Minerals Act] before land claims are settled'.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A copy of a letter from Hugo Kristinsson which was sent to Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, on 2 March 2014 . The letter was sent on behalf of Empowered Christchurch, as a response to the letter read by the Prince at the official Civic Memorial Service on the 22 February 2014. Kristinsson thanks the Prince for his letter and updates him on the progress of the rebuild. He expresses his respect for King George VI and Queen Elizabeth for their compassion in the early 1940s to the victims of bombing raids during the war and acknowledge's Prince William and Prince Harry's philanthropy through The Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry and The Princes' Charities Forum. Lastly he implores the Prince and the Duchess of Cambridge to visit residents from the 'low-lying seaside side of the city' who 'feel that their plight has been trivialised by the authorities in favour of prestigious big-budget projects'.