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Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of the Community News community newspaper, published on Monday 2 January 2012. Community News is a combined holiday edition which replaces the normal editions of The Observer, News Advertiser, Pegasus Post, Western News and Shore View.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of the Community News community newspaper, published on Sunday 2 January 2011. Community News is a combined holiday edition which replaces the normal editions of The Observer, News Advertiser, Pegasus Post, Western News and Shore View.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of the Community News community newspaper, published on Sunday 3 January 2010. Community News is a combined holiday edition which replaces the normal editions of The Observer, News Advertiser, Pegasus Post, Western News and Shore View.

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

Last time on the blog we looked specifically at the beer bottle labels from our Akaroa site. Today’s blog post is essentially a part two, where we’re going to take a look at the other labels found on the site. … Continue reading →

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

“It must have been a happy household,” was the remark made by one of our team members when she saw the artefact assemblage we are discussing on today’s blog post. Whilst children’s artefacts are relatively common finds on New Zealand … Continue reading →

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

Some of the most common archaeological finds related to the European settlement of New Zealand during 19th century are usually from residential occupation. Features like rubbish pits, underfloor deposits, wells (brick and artesian), cesspits, soak pits, post holes and drainage … Continue reading →

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

Today, art is my inspiration, at least as a starting point. The title of this blog post may seem whimsical, but it is both a practical description of our subject today and a reference to the art of centuries past. … Continue reading →

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

Continuing on from our last FAQ post, here are the answers to a few more of the questions we face regularly here in Christchurch. 1)      Are you doing this for a school project? Yes, seriously. This gets asked more often … Continue reading →

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

The temperatures are heating up, there’s Christmas decorations in shops around the city and we’re on the countdown to summer holidays. In our penultimate blog post for the year we’re going to look back on some of our best artefacts … Continue reading →