A document with photographs and details of the four researchers from the National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCWNZ) project, Women's Voices: Recording women's stories of the Canterbury earthquakes. The researchers include Amanda England (from 2011 - 2012), Elizabeth Ashby (from 2013 - 2014), Rosemary Baird (2012 - 2014) and Brigid Buckenham (2013 - 2014).
A series of SCIRT advertisements which feature images of women in construction.
A document with a photograph and details of the Research Committee of the National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCWNZ) project, Women's Voices: Recording women's stories of the Canterbury earthquakes. The Research Committee consisted of Liz Gordon, Rosemary Du Plessis, Judith Sutherland, Helen Gibson, Maureen Fordham, and Cheryl Anderson.
Information sheet and consent forms used on the Women's Voices project.
A copy of the first issue of Doing Gender & Disaster, a journal produced by the Gender & Disaster Network. The issue examines the National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCWNZ) project, Women's Voices: Recording women's stories of the Canterbury earthquakes.
A document which describes the establishment of the SCIRT Women in Construction (SWIC) group and its achievements.
Young women's experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic - Information sheet.
A National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCWNZ) report to the Christchurch City Council. The report was written by Liz Gordon, Rosemary Du Plessis, Judith Sutherland, and Helen Gibson from the Women's Voices Research Committee. It is titled, From Stories to Action: the policy implications of the NCWNZ Women's Voices Project.
Making the most of now: Young women's experiences of COVID-19 - PowerPoint Presentation.
A report about the Women's Voices project, titled, "Movers and Shakers: women's stories from the Christchurch earthquake". The report was written by Liz Gordon, Judith Sutherland, Rosemary Du Plessis and Helen Gibson.
Report outlining the process of how the Women's Voices project was conducted.
Poster inviting potential participants to contact researchers engaged in the Young Women's Experiences of COVID-19 research project.
Presentation about the Women's Voices Project at NCW Hilda Lovell-Smith Suffrage Celebration, 18 November 2012
A document outlining Rosemary Du Plessis's background and work as the Research Coordinator for the National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCWNZ) project, Women's Voices: Recording women's stories of the Canterbury earthquakes. Du Plessis was the recipient of the May Fran Myers Award for 2014.
An entry from Ruth Gardner's Blog for 14 January 2014 entitled, "Women on Wall".
An award submission nominating SCIRT Women in Construction (SWIC) for the 2015 Diversity Awards: Category: Empowerment.
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 30 December 2011 entitled, "Working Women's Waypost".
A presentation which outlines SCIRT's approach to raising the visibility of and enabling women working in construction across the SCIRT programme.
An award submission nominating SCIRT Women in Construction (SWIC) for the Hays NAWIC Excellence Awards 2015: Category: Helen Tippett Award.
"The Stories that we tell shape us to be who we are", a report by Elizabeth Ashby produced as part of her Summer Research Scholarship on the Women's Unheard Voices project.
Profile of Rosemary Baird; oral history interviewer for the "Women's Voices" oral history project.
Profile of Amanda England; oral history interviewer for the "Women's Voices" oral history project.
Profile of Myra Kunowski; oral history interviewer for the "Women's Voices" oral history project.
Profile of Sara Epperson; oral history interviewer for the "Women's Voices" oral history project.
Profile of Raewyn Dawson; oral history interviewer for the "Women's Voices" oral history project.
Profile of Helen Gibson; oral history interviewer for the "Women's Voices" oral history project.
Profile of Judith Mackenzie ; oral history interviewer for the "Women's Voices" oral history project.
Profile of Liz Gordon; oral history interviewer for the "Women's Voices" oral history project.
Profile of Elizabeth Ashby; oral history interviewer for the "Women's Voices" oral history project.
Profile of Judith Sutherland; oral history interviewer for the "Women's Voices" oral history project.