Project prioritisation - right thing, right time, right place
Articles, UC QuakeStudies
A document which outlines how SCIRT prioritised the 634 construction projects within its programme of work.
A document which outlines how SCIRT prioritised the 634 construction projects within its programme of work.
A document which describes SCIRT's framework, principles and process of defining projects and the process of prioritising those projects.
A document which outlines the processes involved in the Multi Criteria Analysis Asset Prioritisation tool. It also talks about assumptions made and potential gaps.
A map showing the actual construction start dates.
An example of the five year rebuild schedule map created as part of the prioritisation process detailing where and when construction would start. The data behind this map was updated every quarter.
A presentation given at the New Zealand Geospatial Research Conference 2015.
A plan which outlines the principles and methodology for the development of projects. The first version of this plan was produced on 20 September 2011.
A document which describes how SCIRT's governance structure was set up and developed in response to the many challenges of the horizontal infrastructure rebuild.
A document which details the structure, roles and terms of reference for the Client Governance Group (CGG).
A document which details the agreement in September 2013 between the Government and the Christchurch City Council over governance of the horizontal infrastructure rebuild.
A diagram which shows outputs from PDAT (with explanations).
A plan which outlined the scope, approach and key deliverables for communications and stakeholder engagement for SCIRT.
A plan which outlines the scope, approach and key deliverables for communications and stakeholder engagement for SCIRT. The first version of this plan was produced on 7 January 2013.
A design guideline which provides guidance to project definition and design teams on how to use Pipe Damage Assessment Tool (PDAT) outputs in their scoping and concept design work.
A PDF copy of a media release titled "World first campaign hits Ashburton". The media release features Kerry Marshall (CDHB) discussing the vision and scope of the All Right? campaign. The release is dated 8 May 2013.