Object Overview: Canterbury region earthquake source identification and ch…
Articles, UC QuakeStudies
Object Overview of 'Canterbury region earthquake source identification and characterisation (Kingsbury and Pettinga, 2008).'
Object Overview of 'Canterbury region earthquake source identification and characterisation (Kingsbury and Pettinga, 2008).'
Object Overview for 'Updated probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for the Canterbury region (Stirling et al, 2007) and Updated probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for the Canterbury region: addendum report (Stirling et al, 2008)'.
This study updated and superseded Earthquake hazard and risk assessment study Stage 1 Part A: Earthquake source identification and characterisation (Pettinga et al, 1998). It compiled and tabulated all relevant available information on earthquake sources in Canterbury and updated the active faults database with new fault locations and information. See Object Overview for background and usage information.
Object overview for 'Updated probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for the Canterbury region: addendum report'.
Object Overview of 'Earthquake hazard and risk assessment study Stage 1 Part B: Probabilistics seismic hazard assessment and earthquake scenarios for the Canterbury region, and historic earthquakes in Christchurch (Stirling et al, 1999).'
The Canterbury earthquakes destroyed the Christchurch CBD and caused massive disruption to business across the region. There was an urgent need to support business survival and foster economic recovery. Recover Canterbury is a hub providing seamless support for businesses affected by the earthquakes, giving them easy access to government and commercial expertise in a one-stop shop.
This study updated the 1999 Earthquake hazard and risk assessment study Stage 1 Part B: Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment and Earthquake scenarios for the Canterbury region, and historic earthquakes in Christchurch report. It incorporated new fault data, a new distributed seismicity model and new methods for estimating Modified Mercalli intensities. See Object Overview for background and usage information.
This study led on from Earthquake hazard and risk assessment study Stage 1 Part A: Earthquake source identification and characterisation (Pettinga et al, 1998). It used the location and characteristics of active faults in the Canterbury region, and the historic record of earthquakes to estimate levels of ground shaking (MM intensity, peak ground acceleration and spectral accelerations) across Canterbury for different return periods. The study also provided earthquake scenarios for selected towns and cities in Canterbury, and undertook detailed investigations into the largest historic earthquakes in Christchurch and parts of the Canterbury region. See Object Overview for background and usage information.
This study updated the 1999 Earthquake hazard and risk assessment study Stage 1 Part B: Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment and Earthquake scenarios for the Canterbury region, and historic earthquakes in Christchurch report. It incorporated new fault data, a new distributed seismicity model and new methods for estimating Modified Mercalli intensities. See Object Overview for background and usage information.
A PDF copy of a notice of motion to the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board on 21 October 2011 regarding hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the Canterbury region. The speaker requested that the community board "go further than this motion as a board and call on the council, to call for a moratorium on fracking around Canterbury until a full independent review has taken place from PCE".
This report provides information on the locations and character of active geological faults and folds in Ashburton District. The faults are mapped at a district scale and the information is intended to highlight areas where there is a risk of permanent fault movement at the ground surface, and where more detailed investigations should be done if development is proposed in that area (depending on the potential activity of the fault and the type of development proposed). See Object Overview for background and usage information. Most of the faults and folds identified at the ground surface in Ashburton District are in rural or very sparsely populated areas. In addition, most of the faults have relatively long recurrence intervals (long-term average time between fault movements) in the order of several thousand years. Following the Ministry for the Environment Active Fault Guidelines, normal residential development would be allowed on or near faults with recurrence intervals this long. There are no recommendations associated with this report. The information in the report will be reviewed as required, after the remaining district reports are completed in the region.