Quake Families

Relatives of the CTV Victims

The Quake Families group was formed after 22 February 2011, and was comprised of the family members of those killed in the earthquake. Many of the families were related to victims of the CTV building, and the group was led by Co-Chairmen Maan Alkaisi and Brian Kennedy, whose wives, Maysoon Abbas and Faye Kennedy, were both killed in the collapse. The Quake Families group developed quite a public profile during the Royal Commission of Inquiry, when they campaigned for legal aid and funding from the government, gaining the support of Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker and meeting with Governmental representatives. Below are some of the articles published about the group.



General Searches:

For further information on the CTV building collapse and the Quake Families Group, search the CEISMIC collection or get started with one of the links below.

  • For a general search of the collection that includes "CTV building" and "Quake Families" click here
  • To explore all audio files related to Quake Families, click here
  • To search CEISMIC for mentions of Quake Families Co-Chairman Maan Alkaisi, click here
  • To find resources related to Quake Families Co-Chairman Brian Kennedy, click here