Thank You Canterbury Community Trust
Here at UC CEISMIC we're very dependent on support and sponsorship to develop the Canterbury Earthquake Digital Archive and collect and curate as much earthquake-related material as possible.
One of our first supporters was the Canterbury Community Trust who understood straight away the importance of what we were trying to do, and contributed $55,000 to UC CEISMIC.
The Canterbury Community Trust funding has been particularly helpful in getting the Quakebox recording studio ready for deployment around Christchurch and greater Canterbury to collect people's earthquake stories.
Before we could get the Quakebox on the road we needed to ensure that it was safe and fit for purpose. We stripped out and re-lined the studio, had all the electrics checked, had it repainted and rebranded, and an awning made to protect people who came to share their stories in all sorts of weather. Then we fitted it out with equipment to capture high-quality video and audio, turning people's stories into a valuable community resource and source of research data.
Once the Quakebox was on the road, the Canterbury Community Trust funding has helped keep the Quakebox staffed, and funded the archiving of the Quakebox stories and videos, many of which will soon appear on Quakestudies. As well, CCT funding has helped us get content on-line from some of our big collections, including the content now available through Quakestudies from Fairfax Media, Environment Canterbury and the New Zealand Historic Places Trust.
So thanks Canterbury Community Trust, your generous donation has been put to great use.